“The View” went off the rails when one co-host attacked America with this sick insult

The American media is in complete meltdown mode after Donald Trump’s victory. There is one offender that is the worst of them all. And The View went off the rails when one co-host attacked America [...]


  1. As far as the VIEW goes, it should be thrown off TV and any other media platform. They talk like they are traders to the US. Why are these idiots still on TV?

    • The View is made up of crazy full blown racists and they got slapped right down to their
      shoe tops metaphoricly speaking this election. I’m 86 years young and I can’t tell you
      how happy I am to see them squirm. If they don’t like the outcome just leave the country. They won’t be missed by over 75,000,000. people.

      • I am so glad to know I am not alone here. I’m nearly 73 yrs old, and I do not understand how ‘The View’ is even considered newsworthy/relevant to our country. How do they even have a ‘rating’ to keep them on the air. NO I DO NOT WATCH THEM/IT. THEY ARE AS BIASED AS THEY CAN BE AND THEN SOME. They must even embarrass some Democrats, they are so demented (and that’s putting it mildly).

      • This Groupon vile nasty women need a RUDE WAKE UP CALL, they sit in their little Ivory tower acting like thry know everything, but all they are is a bunch of vile nasty woman who need a RUDE WAJE UP CALL ANDA LOOK IN THEIR MIRRORS OF WHO THEY ARE, RUDE AND CRUDE.

        • These vile women are disgraceful to say the very least. Why are they still on the air and giving the stupid women who watch them the wrong messages for them to believe? Oh, I keep forgetting that the owners are vile themselves.

      • Never ever watched this joke of show. Worse than the suppose to be comedians on late night shows for decades. These people are not bright, never right and too dumb to know that!

    • Sounds perfectly correct. Since I don’t watch this anti-American program everything I read or hear is that it is a waste of time to watch people who should be committed to an asylum institution.

      • Agree! I have more intelligence (at 83) than to watch such dangerous and ignorant women. Whoopi, the high school dropout, thinks she’s the cat’s meow. She is dangerous for America and also for us Jews!

        • Whoopi is A.W.F.U.L. They all are, but she is as awful as joy behar. The entire “show”is a hate-fest. I’m surprised they have any advertisers willing to associate with them. 👎🤬

    • I concur, if you didn’t know better you’d think they were all idiots. There isn’t a sane word that comes out of them. It’s all hate and anti American. I would remove them and cancel the show. We don’t need this kind of hatred in America. All they do is divide the U.S.

    • Agreed, Gary, they all were quoted as saying when he won last time that they were leaving the USA if he won so surely they should be gone with this 2nd win! Many of us would be happy to help them pack just to get them off the air and out of the USA

    • Broadcasts like the unintelligible Broad’s of View Should all be removed! Because of their continuous discord and deceit with the Women of American who cluelessly listened to these idiot’s and sadly believed! Luckily, the majority of American Women were/are to smart for their deceit!

    • I would agree whole heartedly…
      Its kind of sad that these women feel they are so smart, just because they have money and a tv show.
      They are in fact, the usual stupid people that have no idea what real life is all about. They are only concerned about their own selfish desires and they don’t even consider that they might be wrong.
      They are certainly not very bright people. Just selfish individuals that think they know everything. It is a shame they take of air space.

    • No person in their right mind would watch that stupid show! Since they hate the USA so much , LEAVE, PLEASE ! But, we know they NEVER WILL, because they know they have it better here than anywhere else in the world. Where else can they go in front of the camera with their hate and anger and get paid absurd amounts of money?? BUT…THEY ARE A TOTAL DISGRACE TO OUR COUNTRY!! IT MUST BE TERRIBLE TO BE SO FULL OF HATE AND ANGER !!! IT MUST BE MISERABLE TO BE ONE OF THEM !!!!!

      • I know, but people do. I think Elon Musk said ge would buy ABC and get rid if the view. I also saw thar ABC would not renew Behar & Goldberg ‘s contracts because they are too toxic. Hopefully it happens.

        • you know what’s sad…Barbara Walters started the show a long time ago to promote women’s views, I consider her a true newswoman and I think she was the first woman anchorperson on a major network and should be taken as an equal to Cronkite, David brinkley, chet Huntley, and Tom Brokaw in the field of news broadcasting and these people turned it into an asylum

  2. Hopefully the network looks at “The View’s” low ratings and cancels it, or fires all of them and brings in some women who have at least a little bit of intelligence.

    • The View is a absolute abomination of a network talk show. It reeks of racism and hatred and should be forcibly removed from any and all networks. It is a disgrace to the American people and a shameful picture of America to the rest of the world!!!..DUMP THAT PIECE OF CRAP SHOW!! AND IT’S CREW!!

    • As a women, I would like to see lots of intelligence. Even just a little bit is certainly not enough. I’m an 83 year old woman, and I hope to see a big change. Get rid of these dumb idiots of The View. Of course the owners and producers are no better.

    • I doubt they would be missed and to think these HARPIES are paid BIG BUCKS to SLANDER President Trump, OUR COUNTRY, and CITIZENS. They should follow other those so-called celebrities and LEAVE. THEY WILL NOT BE MISSED!


  4. Does the View bring in any revenue that justifies their existence? They are a disgrace and an insult to the intelligence of the American people.

    • None of the harpies on the backwards hate fest think we, the citizens of the USA, have any intelligence.
      I never watch the show because I refuse to deal with people that insult me every time they speak.

  5. Of all the shows that are on tv ,the View Women are joke, they need to be taken off the tv because all they do is instigate there personal problems of a subject , that we care nothing about there problems, they are useless to society.

    • Unfortunately they are not a joke. They speak to the people (women) who cannot think for themselves and who are “guided” by these people of The View.

  6. I wouldn’t intentionally watch The View on a bet but am exposed to its nonsense daily because of all the coverage they get online. Let’s just make them a distant bad nightmare and wake up to their ridiculousness.

  7. The View and the racist broads that are on it everyday are communist idiots. Fire them and remove the show from TV. All of them and Racheal Maddow all need to be sent to China or Russia!

  8. The GASLIGHT QUEENS. Everything the Marxists accuse us patriots of is actually what they are doing…in full view of the public.

  9. These women are the slim of the earth. Hostin is the biggest racist I have ever seen or heard and the fake bitch (so called republican) is one sorry bitch.

  10. The haggs of the view are blinded by their hatred of Conservatives and more specifically Donald Trump. Most of these women have never contributed to benefit mankind! They are racists and spew their poison to all watch their show!

  11. We will create a committee, unlike any committee ever created, to deal with issues, and trouble makers annoying President Trump! The Seal Team Retirees, after the meeting, cannot be called off, no one is too big, world wide, anyone claiming to be resistance, kiss your wife and children before you leave home every day, we will be like a thief in the night! This is your only warning!

  12. Enough is enough! These pos women on the View should declared domestic terrorist and kicked off TV and any other media. They are the most ignorant arrogant and disgusting women ever

  13. This isn’t what we wanted, it’s like the internet, cell phones, you communist forced on us, we didn’t get to vote! The DNC knowingly supported a communist for POTUS, and you ignored the 1954 Communist Control Act. Treason! You gave us COVID, then a poisonous vaccines, and you made foolish decisions anti America decisions, you indoctrinated our children, used the MSM against us, you have weaponized the DOJ, given military the nod to fire on citizens, you plotted with the CDC to put American Citizens in Concentration camps, now you plan to track our money, control our bank accounts, you have allowed anyone, and everyone into this Country without a second thought! Now you will reap the world wind!

  14. You attacked the Citizens of America, you used the same tactics Hitler used! Did you really expect American born citizens to lay down? Fools!

  15. You Democrats, self described leaders, turned loose Covid on our Country, then gave us poisonous vaccines, our children took these vaccines! Obama the communist, you fell at his feet, so you must pay, and pay dearly, now is not the time for your tears, that has passed! A reckoning is coming!

  16. The foolish, White Women who were fooled into supporting Obama, we met with female community leaders, they made you think they supported Kamala, then they voted for Trump, to make up for the damage caused by you vipers in the media!

  17. This communist run site, picks and chooses as they determine what we can and can’t say, going against our rights protected by the constitution!
    How dare they blatantly interfere with our rights, we won’t forget this in our meetings!

  18. Our Government caged children after ripping them from the arms of their mothers, some feral and can only hiss as our top communist leaders rape them!

    • And people forget it was Obama who separated children from the arms of their mothers.
      He never had a mother that hugged him or cared for him, nor did he have a father who
      took care of him. Being a half breed I’m sure made him very angry his whole life with no one to help him grow into a caring human being.

  19. HI Why don’t the characters on the show grow up , they lost a fair vote from those who matter> They are not in touch with the real world and what most Americans are looking for ,

    Grow up and get on board with the real world not the phony image you project.

  20. HI Why don’t the characters on the show grow up , they lost a fair vote from those who matter> They are not in touch with the real world and what most Americans are looking for ,

    Grow up and get on board with the real world not the phony image you project.

  21. It is impossible to get any truth from the Obama stained communist, racist, disgusting MSM! Obama lies to his reflection in the mirror! These Demonic communists are so disgusting that we can’t even describe their actions out of fear of Gods Wrath!

  22. This show is a disgrace. I know of no one who watches it anymore or even likes any of the hosts. They are bitter, crazy women who scream falsehoods, think they are the only ones who have brains and know what is going on, and they should be sued for slander on many things. Take it off the air, save money from their salries, and get a higher quality program on

  23. Move the show to IRAN OR CHINA! Let these crazy women host it from either country. I bet they will not last a month!

  24. I hate the View as much as you do, but I think you more than made your point, 15 comments saying the same thing.

  25. I don’t regularly watch the View but what I have seen various clips of it and these people must be very unhappy in their personal lives to always be so negative and hateful. Most of them are really ignorant and some of the comments they make are not at all defensible. They do a disservice to women in general because the way they behave is not the way normal people behave. The problem with these elites is that because they are successful they think they are automatically smart. Doesn’t always work that way if you don’t have any common sense, ethics, morals, or native intellgience. Kissing butt to get ahead is rather demeaning.

  26. I wish someone else would have played Guinan in the series, called Star Trek the next generation! Miss Goldberg is a disgrace who should not be listened to as well as Miss Bahar!! We all ask ourselves why the view is still on the air, because the station owner doesn’t care about America! PLEASE GET READY FOR THE NEXT AGENDA OF THE JACKA$$ DEMS PARTY!!!! Digital dollars to control(we the people), minimal medical for anyone over 60 and New World order!!! Have we not seen enough FROM THIS ADMINISTRATION TO KNOW THEY JUST WANNA KEEP POWER AND THEY DON’T CARE HOW THEY DO IT 75 MILLION PEOPLE KICKED THEM TO THE CURB BUT THEY’RE ROACHES. THEY RUN UNDER TABLES AND THE CRACKS IN THE WALLS BUT THEY NEVER GO AWAY. WE NEED THEM TO GO AWAY FOR GOOD! HAVE FUN IN 2025!

  27. They are EVIL & sick, I won’t ever watch them again. They didn’t act like this when the show first started.

  28. It is a total waste of time to watch The View. There is seldom anything valuable there. If it showed any possibility of being worthy of time, many more would watch. These females have a warped “never change” opinion and because they are on TV network, they surmise worthiness. I Never watch anymore, unless there is some publicity of their comments and I want to hear how they defend it. Thanks, but NO THANKS.

  29. If the Communist Group does not like America why don’t they Leave?

    When is Woopie Leaving? She told the world that if Trump won she was leaving. Did she think the people of our Country love her more? Goodbye Woopie and plese do not come back!!!

  30. Everyone has the right to voice their opinions even if you don’t agree with them. I believe the “mental midgets” on the view as well as Rachel Maddow and Joy Reed have that right even though they are idiots.

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