Tim Walz insulted J.D. Vance so horribly that even CNN thought he went too far
Kamala Harris put Tim Walz on the ticket to try and appeal to working-class voters in rural areas. Walz then made his mission to smear Donald Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance at every turn. But [...]
He is just “ONE WHITE MAN FOR HARRIS” that is jealous of JD Vance
Good one lol. . Walls in Paris are both running scared.
Walz and Harris are both running to the back hills scared due to lack of proper education.
Always talking about being a teacher in a small town and that none of his students went to Yale really speaks volumnes about how good of a teacher he was. He is also putting his students down by saying none of them went there; were they not smart enough? Hope he wasn’t an English teacher, but maybe that would explain his “bad grammar!” I grew up in a small town as well, and a lot of smart kids came out of my high school. One even went to the Air Force Academy and ended up being a prisoner of war in Viet Nam. He did his duty, and didn’t try to weasel out of it, and several country & western singers claim my home town as thiers.
I didn’t get to finish my spell check and grammar – thiers should have been their’s. Always remember “i before e, except after c.” Wonder if he learned this in grammar class?
It seems like the Democrats just keep getting nastier with there insulting anything anyone that’s not Dem is about no matter how well they lived life or how honorable they trash them why I don’t get and the lies that they tell should be prosecuted by law as slander is still punished by law in America and Media needs to remember it
Walz is a want-a-be. He is so jealous of Vance, he knows he can’t measure up to him in all areas. Thats why he lies about all areas of his life. I have no use for him or his kind.
neither do i. walzcouldnt do what jd vance has done. he quit the army before he was suppose to go oversea. walz couldnt put a pimple on vance is ass.him and kamala are two losers. they could never run our country.the two kamala and walz are two losersshe is a laughing hyhenia and he is another joke.they could never run our country. two assholes/trump in 2024. vote these commrads demorats out vote republican trump and vance .we will have our country back were it belongs. the other two iditosthere brains are were the sunshines. kamala never got voted to run for the presidencythats how dirty demorats are. they make there own rules. vote these two assholes out trump and jd vance for 2024.we will have a safe and great country again with out kamala and lying walz.
He seems just a Nazi much more than a communist or even radical Muslim terrorist. Just an old-style Nazi.
At least he didn’t impregnate the babysitter. I thought YALE was a Democrat Indoctrination Center?
thats why your a stupid sdemorat. wake up mann and vote for real people donald j trump and jd vance.we will have our country back and other countries will respect us. having these two idiots harris and walz we wont have a country the people wont resspect us .trump and jd vance 2024. god bless these two man.
So why does stolen valor play stupid with real issues?? Like “my grammar isn’t good” for his excuse for lying about his rank and carrying weapons of war IN WAR.. THATS JUST A LIE,NOT BAD GRAMMAR!! HE was no couch,maybe the mascot or waterboy LMAO
Tampon Timmy quit the National Guard just like his daddy should have quit before he finished the night little LYING Timmy was conceived… #TRUMP/VANCE2024
*Spell check sucks coach not couch.. I feel like a liberal

Timmy pulled out of the National Guard much like Biden pulled out of Afghanistan….poorly. Biden has blood on his hands over Afghanistan just like hillary has blood on her hands over her little spat with what famous incident.
So the lower you go in life, it makes you all the more better than everyone else. This is the pray of the Left. His behaviour with his son tells a lot about the man’s character. He truly belongs to the Biden Harris cartel.
In his convention speech, Walz degraded and insulted JD Vance for being a poor kid who, against all odds, got an education and attending Yale? This sure tells us about the Harris—Walz team that will manipulate the minds of young kids into thinking pulling yourself up by your boot straps, getting an education and being able to attend a prestigious college is immoral and disgusting…Walz is the perfect match as the Harris running mate…DUMB & DUMBER! Walz went to Communist China 30 times, did he tell those kids in that communist HELL HOLE that imprisons people who do not conform that seeking a higher education is against DEI— “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”? WALZ IS A MORONIC ASS!
A point to make here. I went to junior college and then other local colleges. Made excellent grades and honor rolls, etc.. There is nothing wrong with colleges everywhere. It is up to the students to do their best if they are serious. Not everyone will go to ivy league schools for many reasons but getting your best grades and achieving a high GPA is just as important. I did that and was extremely proud of it. Also passed that CPA exam and it was hard even with my hard earned education. So just do your best with what you can use!
Good for you! Sounds like you had great teachers as well. I screwed up in H.S. and did not make good grades, that came when I was in my 50s going to a junior college. I finally made the grades, honor roll, and awards that I never thought possible. Nothing like going to school and being older than your fellow classmates, and sometimes your teachers! (and even the President of the college!)
At Lease Vance Is A True American By Serving His Country — And Walz Is A Coward
To Run Way From His Duty To His Contry.
Walz is a loose cannon that has the ability to shot hinself many many times.
Those who can; do. Those who can’t’; hurl insults. D L Davies
Vance is the real deal. This man may have been born into poverty but he managed to turn his life around and become a success. Who is Waltz? A nobody who has to lie about his accomplishments and lie again when caught in a lie. He doesn’t have any redeemable skills and his moral compass and character is at zero. Trump for 2024. Bring God and Jesus Christ back into everything where he belongs.
Walz is talking out of his ass and being a total hypocrite,and JD Vance is going to crush him for sure in the V PO debate. I am looking forward to that debate.