Tulsi Gabbard was shocked by what Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers revealed about Joe Biden’s Gestapo surveillance

Joe Biden weaponized the Justice Department and the FBI to go after his political enemies. Attorney General Merrick Garland was more than willing to turn the Justice Department into his political police force. But Tulsi [...]



  2. Don’t worry Tulsi, your in Good company. All Republicans/conservatives are on some dem watchlist somewhere. Wear it as a badge of honor. Just sayin’.

  3. The most appalling thing about this is that the country could have been saddled with this heinous partisan monster on the Supreme Court if McConnell, in a rare moment of strength and clarity, had not refused to take up Garland’s nomination.

    All true Americans, which excludes those in the communist democrat party, should be incensed over this travesty regarding Tulsi Gabbard.

  4. It does not do any good to “sue” your being weaponized against by your own government.!! The Democrats thank they are the best things ever to walk the earth. But should be put in a herd and marched over a cliff. I use to say I was a democrat but not anymore now it means you hate your country and want to help destroy it. I Will be a proud conservative from now on and Trump I hope and pray wins.

  5. The corrupt government will do all the illegal searches, arrest, illegal laws and etc.
    Eighty person (80%) of the politicians are crooked as hell and do whatever they want to get their illegal gotten gains. Insider trading or selling our nation to other countries as the POS senator Menendez did and many others.
    Trump did show what he could accomplish and harris has shown what she can NOT. So, Vote for the good of the country not PARTY.

  6. We thew voters gave Trump and the entire GOP FOUR YEARS to address this issue and the obvious election fraud plaguing the nation. THEY DID NOTHING!! All they managed to do was lose control of Congress through their blatant inaction then lose the Presidency to boot through election fraud!

    The GOP is NOT our savior. They’re merely the somewhat lesser of two evils!

    • And NO, I do not support warrant-less wiretapping. But considering that our courts have packed by political considerations of late and not legal experience and skill what difference does it make?

  7. The problem is many demonrats are either delusional, self-denialer, or cannot think thru logically and accept truth! That is a hard bunch to try to convince.

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