Vivek Ramaswamy created one bad problem for Donald Trump with this ugly accusation
Vivek Ramaswamy was one of Donald Trump’s closest allies during the campaign. But Donald Trump is now facing some serious questions about Ramaswamy’s loyalty. And Vivek Ramaswamy created one bad problem for Donald Trump with [...]
How will we know if an immigrant is entitled to an H-1B pass!?? They would definitely have to prove themselves first !! Once proven their skills, Teach them English and our Constitutional Republic Constitution and American Laws with a fear of Prison knowing our laws ! Everyone needs a chance but everything in a dreamers mind, isn’t just American !! We all are not rich and economics should be taught also to allow them to know what HARD WORK will give to you in America !!!!
Let us remember this is America.
We need to have a system that uses one for one and equal pay for both. All companies
Must hire American for each H1B visa
I want all kinds of people to be able to come into this country, not just the elite with College Degrees. My father was an immigrant in 1921, and he represented the best immigrants who were coming in at that time. He did not have a fancy education, but he worked 2 to 3 jobs for many years, married, had children, who grew up to be educated and responsible citizens. He was very proud to be an American citizen and it was people like him that helped to make this country the great country it is today. Don’t denegrate people who are not Phd’s. As far as I am concerned everyone is entitled to a dream as long as they come in legally.
Too Many Followers Doing GLOBALIST WILL ,STOP Being Wusses & FIGHT For American KIDS!
What I see is that Vivek and Musk will allow their people come into the United States to take over our country. We do not need more India people coming in nor do we want more Communists Chian to come in on a visa to take over our country. This is why our Constitution said only Native(meaning children born to US citizen parents)born people can be President. If you come from another country you will always be loyal to that country. We are witnessing this very thing happening right now with Musk(from Africa) and Vivek (parents from India). They are loyal to their birth country and have no loyalty to the United States or they would never have put foreign people to work ahead of American Cit.
The problem is under Democrat control working hard and get a good College education was not their priority. Woke bullshit was. So a lot of these college students were not being trained for the jobs we need them to be trained for.
My thoughts exactly. The collages and universities are at fault for going after DEI hires, who don’t know how to teach. they follow the woke agenda. Only the self starters will make it through with enough information to get a soit and bw taught by older people who have gone before. the skower student are smart but come to college unprepared to mive forward. Then they get frustrted and arw allowed to transfer to another career path without receiving counceling.
Vivek has been skating on thin ice for quite a while as far as I’m concerned. I do not fully trust him yet – but time will tell.
HBVisas Are SCAMS for Cheap labor!
Americans Continue to fall for LIES!
“Illegals Here Doing the Jobs American Workers will Not Do”
“Import the best & brightest from other countries cause Americans Cannot Do the Job” is ALL TOTAL BS!
If You Want to be a FOOL for GLOBALIST & GLOBALISM You are the PROBLEM
Unfortunately, Mr. Ramaswamy is in large part correct. Speak to business owners, as I have, and ask what the quality of applicants and new hires is. Refusals to work overtime, lazy approaches to duties, and refusing to do some tasks they don’t like. Ludicrous entitlement mentality. And there’s lots more. Just not enough space here.
I don’t know what the answer is, but Vivek is not entirely wrong here. It was definitely NOT the “Woodstock” crowd that put us in first place. It was the “anti-Woodstockers” who did. While they were getting high and hell bent on “free love,” were the ones who still believed in an honest days pay for an honest day’s work. Ya gotta put it all on a visible timeline to see it
The “Woodstock” comment refers to the generation. Of course, not all those of that generation were “Flower Children”. Most were not. Same thing today. We have a new generation that is distracted by the nonsense and lack of values/morals being pushed by democrats. But, there is still a silent majority of that generation, too, who still holds the values/morals of their parents and grandparents.
H-1B visas are the darling of corporations who prefer cheap over quality.
The H-1B should be shut down. There is already another visa program specifically for the 1% Elon wants to see come to the USA.
As Vivek has seen fit to insult every USA citizen, perhaps Trump should remove him from his list of advisors also.
Well said. He should not be considered as one of the best selection by Trump. He can not be trusted, just wants to get his foot in the door so he can bring his people into America, The true person is showing up, America doesn’t need someone like him.
Trump should definitely get rid of the H-1B visa program. There is a separate visa program for the top 1% Elon wants to bring to the USA. H-1B is and always has been a way for greedy corporations to get cheap labor and force qualified USA citizens out of good paying jobs. I retired in 2012, but for 20 years I had to compete with H-1B visa holders for work contracts. To add insult to injury, I was expected to teach the H-1B visa holders what they didn’t learn in their so-called tech education. It was appalling just how few of them could do the jobs they were hired to do. I have 4 semesters of 3 hour classes completed in the COBOL language; 12 college hours of progressively more difficult tech. An H-1B co-worker came to me with a question about a program assignment. What he didn’t know, I learned in the first 6 weeks of my first COBOL class. H-1B put thousands of highly trained and highly qualified USA citizens out of work.
Contrary to Vivek Ramaswamy’s opinions, not everyone has the aptitude to be a Scientist, Technical person, Engineer, or Mathematician (= STEM). We are not alike. We are not made as with cookie cutters. I know I am not. My talents, gifts, and aptitudes lie elsewhere. We cannot be forced into the same mold – or expect to be in the same mold. We are all different (“Diversity,” anyone?). As Clint Eastwood once famously said, “A man’s got to know his own weaknesses.” By the same token, a man (or woman) has to know his (or her) own strengths. SECRET: Do not play to your weaknesses. Play to your strengths.