What Adam Schiff just said about the Russia Hoax will make your blood boil
Pencil-neck Adam Schiff did everything he could to derail President Trump’s agenda when Trump was in the White House. And because of leftist praise and fundraising dollars, Schiff will be California’s next United States Senator. [...]
Schiff should be tried for Treason along with Waters, Pelosi, and All other Democrats who side with him.
Totally agree!!!
He needs to go by prosecution or force to resign
Damn Skippy! Start with Hillary and start loading! And throw in the “View” clowns Too!
I agree with you as many of us in this great country of our’s. However, we have a problem. We have the far left, which is the progressive party and a lot of crackpot Republicans that are rhinos and there’s still an office and until America wakes up and gets rid of all these people in power we’re gonna have the same as we always do these at shifts of the world. The only thing we can do is for the long haul is to vote these people out of office. I don’t think there’s anybody in the power in in DC. That wishes are will say file charges against him brain charges against him for their treason. I don’t think anybody up there seems to have the stomach or the balls to do it as I said above somebody. Somebody in this country we’re gonna have to get together and put it into this otherwise it’s just gonna keep going. I don’t like him. I don’t like the AOC‘s and the Adam shifts Nancy Pelosi‘s. These are evil people. They’re not good for America their Marxist attitudes we can’t have that in this country
Keep him off every committee he applies for. He’s a liar and a crmnal!
Absolutely right as far as I can see, Schiff is a moron.
I agree He should be put on trial for treason which of course he would lose.I can’t believe once your centsored you shouldn’t be allowed to run for another office.So there is no punishment for all his lies.He should actually be in a Federal prison serving a sentence that equals the January 6th sentences!!SCHIFF YOUR A RAT!!
100% agree.
Schiff is what u call an habitual liar! Needs psychiatric help BIG TIME! Probably ‘little man’ syndrome too. Pathetic.
This habitual liar needs to be censored and held in contempt for his continuation of the lie about President Trump and Russia. He knows it is a lie, and yet continues to peddle the lie. He must either prove it or admit that he made it up. Make him come up with the evidence or forever be held in contempt. Better yet, get rid of him!
This pencil neck needs to be charged, and put in jail. He should not be collecting a salary as Congress member.
Not only Shifft but Senator Waters along with Pelosi,AOC,Biden,Harris & Other’s that attracted the Constitution & Democracy including causing riots with their Hateful speeches,& They broke their Oath of office
Schiff is a slimy little twit. Has always been and will always be. The reason he might be interested in the truth is so he can lie about it. I cant’ wait to see what lies come out of his mouth when he dies and meets the Almighty.
Praying upon?
Schiff is a habitual liar who doesn’t know or care what the truth is. He’s bound to tell you that he’s telling the truth even though he’s lying out his ass about everything. He hates Trump so much that he doesn’t care that he’s lying. I couldn’t trust him about anything he says or does while Senator. Pelosi and Waters are both lying too. Along with Durbin and Schumer. They all need to get out.
Schiff should be drummed out of Congress then arrested, tried and imprisoned (at least) for his moronic attempt to topple the legitimately elected government. Despite the glaring FACT that their own guy utterly failed to find that “collusion” they insist it happened.
But what Mueller DID find was evidence that the Clinton campaign DID collude with the Russians to discredit Trump.
Democrite/Communists never ignore a good lie when they think it’s to their own advantage. The majority of America is thoroughly sick and tired of their America-hate games!
Why stop with Schift? Most of the Democrat – Commie Party is no difference. Did the USA get too stupid to see what is hapenning in the country?
Most of our current problems were preventable if a majority of our (so-called) conservatives had just stood up and refused to (continue) ‘going along’ and/or (nervously) turning a ‘blind eye’ to the garbage it appears that elected reps from both sides have unashamedly been engaging in. They didn’t achieve this overnite, but ever since they lost to DJT in 2016, it has become crystal clear to anyone paying attention (to the fubar circus that has now taken up permanent residence in that cesspool we used to call washington) the govt no longer works for us or our great country-they are ‘in this’ for themselves.
Adam Shit is one of the biggest liar’s, he should not be allowed to be in the White House, or be a senator , lock him up
Schiff is the poster child for obsessive behavior. He can’t control himself and should be considered insane and removed from congress. California does this to a lot of individuals.
We all know it was Hillary Clinton who pay for the Russia hoax! Then received million of dollars for the Clinton foundation from Putin! Adams Schiff will continue to push this lies, due to fact there 300 democrats politicians who are GUILTY! He trying to make people believe he an honest man, but he nothing but a pencil neck LIAR!
Adam Schiff is a sick individual and he probably has a child in a hole in the ground with plywood over it, not far from his home, maybe a few children! Everything that comes out of his mouth beside some man’s jizz is a lie!
THERE IS NO LAW AGAINST COLLUDING! There are laws against having a spy friend, in another country, that makes up a total lie, puts it on paper, and trying to destroy a sitting President of the United States! Hillary Clinton, was to be a false storefront, POTUS, like Biden! Barrack Obama, a Communist, who had the full support of the DNC, ignoring the 1954 Communist Control Act, and the fact that we don’t allow Dictators, in America! The DNC knowingly supported a Communist POTUS! HRC, is a bitter loser, and President Trump, waxed da flo wit dat ho! HRC, is a classless, unethical, troll, nobody likes her!
Why doesn’t the fact, that the DNC, knowingly supported a Communist for POTUS, go unpunished, I’d say that is treason! Soros said, “I don’t need Hillary, Obama is already a Communist” the DOJ has done nothing about it, wonder why? Oh, that’s right, they were part of it! If Trump had done that, they would have tar—and-feathered him in public!
I couldn’t get enough of the “Jerr, Jerr, Jerry” that was the highlight of that entire taxpayer funded fiasco! None of them have been held accountable!
HRC, destroyed a hard drive with acid, she knowingly used a foreign spy, who falsified documents, to try, and take out, the political opponent, that spanked that fat ass, and became POTUS, after all, she was born to be POTUS! We’re Deplorable? Benghazi? Falsifying Documents? With Mitch 3-chins MCConnell, on our side, how could we have gone wrong? What a giant-humiliation that turd is!
Ah, Adam Schiff. A prolific liar, but not a good liar. Remember, this clown stood up before TV cameras repeatedly, and stated long and loud, that he had seen proof positive that Trump colluded with the Ruskies, and he would be releasing that proof “soon”. That has been somewhere around 7 years, and this dumb ass still says the proof is out there (sounds like the stupid TV show, huh??). I guess he is so stupid that he cannot fathom that many of us are not just as stupid, and we will not swallow his line of BS. What a maroon!!!!!!!!!! And to make things worse, the maroons from Cali just elected him to be one of their Senators. Can we arrange for Cali to slide off into the Pacific. (get all the good folks out first!)