What Bill O’Reilly said about Barack Obama will put your jaw on the ground

Bill O’Reilly was once the centerpiece of the Fox News primetime lineup. He was also a critic of Barack Obama’s Presidency. But now what Bill O’Reilly said about Barack Obama will put your jaw on [...]


  1. Saying that Obama uplifted the blacks in our country is one thing, but the evil of what he did was introduce a new level of criminality to the thug population of many urban black cities that will likely never be undone in my lifetime. Obama’s primary interest was uplifting his personal wealth. If he could accomplish that while cutting some slack to his urban homies who showed little, if any, personal responsibility in their lives, he was a happy man. I think he was a shit president and a typical democrat who had no interest in being president for all the people.

    • Totally agree. I stopped watching Bill O, because he always made excuses for Obama. Can’t understand why he thinks Obama was good. He was the beginning of transforming America. He seems to be succeeding.

      • Exactly! He did nothing to lift any ethnicity out of poverty. His Presidency exacerbated the decline of our nation and divided the American people like no other in recent history.

      • Exactly right. I think Oreilly wants to appear to be neither right or left regardless of what the facts dictate. I believe he wants to sell books and have high ratings and in his opinion he needs the middle of the road optics.

    • 100% agree I like Bill O’Reilly but his statement Obama was a good president is complete and utter garbage, he has set the undertone for all that is wrong since he was in office and left office. What is it he done for the black community F—all. He accomplished nothing he spied on people I believe he is behind most of the Donald Trump woes. You just have too look who he was in bed with Biden, Clinton if you can’t see that Bill you are no longer a reporter

  2. He’s was the third sorry ass President. He wanted to be King and do away with our constitution and our flag. He wasn’t making it safe for America people he was calling us racist. Too, he’s a Muslim!!!

  3. If you have never heard of a little cult called SUBUD, you should look it up while you still can. It connects a lot of dots regarding Barry Soetoro. This culy originated in Indonesia and has it’s U.S. headquarters in Chicago. Stanley Ann Dunham was a member of this cult and so was Loretta Fuddy – the Hawaiian official who certified Barry’s Hawaiian birth certificate. The Cults founder and leader until he died was a man named Muhammed Sabuh. Take a look at comparison photos of Muhammed and Barry, they are like twins. It was also reported that George Soros had been funding SUBUD for decades – long before Barry ever came along. Then look at Soros’ history. There are reports that claim Soros – a Hungarian Jew – made his first money from the “treasures” he stole from the Holocaust victims while he was a Nazi collaborator. He tried to destroy the economy of France. Then he tried to destroy the economy of England. He succeeded in destroying Venezuela and look at what has been going on here. Look at all of the groups that have been destroying American cities that are funded by Soros. He is wanted in a lot of countries including Hungary and Russia. But here all he had to do was line some greedy pockets and get a pass.

    • Right. Obama’s genuine B/C. LOL. The one that says he was born in a hospital that didn’t exist yet! But the GOP and the key authorities let it go by. WHY????

      And Soros is STILL a wanted WW2 war criminal. HOW WAS HE ALLOWED TO COME HERE AND BY WHOM??? We seem to have a lot more high ranking enemies than we know of.

    • I agree and so much more. He fundamentally changed America. He said he would. He is still running the presidency and if the Dems win he will have yet another 4 years in the WH and our country as we know it will be gone.

  4. So, O’Reilly has sold out too looking for a comfy spot in the wreckage after the Obama led Communists take over.

    Truly! Is there ANYONE left in the Conservative Media or the GOP that we can trust?

    Obama did CRITICAL damage to this country! The fact that it still exists and functions at all as a “free” country amazes me!

    But, with people like O’Reilly and the GOP on “our” side that won’t last for much longer.

  5. Obama is who has been running the country for the last four years. Why do you think we are paying so much for fuel again. He wants his rag head buddies to get rich so we are in all these WARS again. Never would have happened under Trump. The Dem. / Communist Party LOVES WAR! And is going to DESTROY what is left of America if KAMALIER gets elected. So if you vote Democrat you deserve what you get. The problem is I have to live in HELL you vote for also. Get the facts before you vote. The Media is lying to you about everything.And it has been PROVED.

    • Remember the “mostly peaceful protests”? when you see burning small businesses and a looter running with a boxed flat screen TV behind the newscaster saying those words, the lies become VERY BLATANT.

  6. Obama seemed like a fair president at the time although when U.S. seized weapons turned up in Mexican cartel hands it gave doubts as toward who’s side he was on. In hindsight his hate speech laws infringed on free speech especially when anything he disagreed with was considered offensive. His giving away control of the intenet to Europe was treason and further degraded free speech. His law enabling opionated news enabled propaganda. He did more to destroy our freedoms than any President in my lifetime. His compulsion to make America less white by opening the border was racist and resulted in many fentanyl deaths including my boy and my wife. And he got filthy rich in the process. I hate that guy, I hope he rots in hell.

  7. Oh-Oh, O’Reilly Speaks congeniality when He’s Selling His Books; which are co-written frequently with profit sharing authorship credit that elevates a degree of nicety-necessity to minimize sales success shrinkage. It’s only good Bill-Business regardless how he may have voted.

  8. It’s amazing how braindead one becomes when they want money for their books /opinions !
    Obama was And is not still a legal American ! Kamala is an anchor baby . Neither one was ever legal to be VP or President Our law says . It’s surprising how many people don’t know this. That you must have at least one natural born American parent She doesn’t have either. And as far has being black she is not. She is India ( not to say Indian to confuse people of Native Indians ) Obama was a legal citizen of Indonesia. John Brennan’s company washed Obama’s history like he washed Hillary’s blackberry. Obama uses 3 dead people’s SS #’s . The court said he was just borrowing them
    . Look this up at US.gov . Since they let him borrow that which they tell you To never let out. The IRS puts it into their handbook They can borrow your SS # Thats why millions of illegals use your SS#. Both Kamala and Obama are not really Americans . So why would they care what happens to us . They simply destroy . California is a great example of putting illegals over the citizens in the government. Just last week Kamala said that America’s children must die in order for theirs to live. .
    Ted Cruz was made to prove his mother was a natural born American citizen. When he ran for president. But of course he was not a democrat And Democrats believe they are our dictators and are above the laws the rest of us are to follow.
    Please ask questions? Why the democrats platforms are about everything to kill and destroy Americans. And Republicans allow them. Ever since Ahab And Jezebel came on the seen Under every Democrat They have managed to create a war against White people As of today white people are the largest group of people in America in poverty There are over 40 million . There’s their privilege. Democrats control Black people and are replacing all of us with illegals . Ask why ?
    My fellow Americans . Half this country is Real Americans who are not for either party .
    Plz wake up . Before they continue to destroy America and we cease to exist !

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