John Fetterman found out his career ended because of this betrayal

John Fetterman is in the middle of a Democrat Party civil war. He may have finally found the straw that broke the camel’s back. And John Fetterman found out his career ended because of this [...]


  1. I tend to agree, no matter the party Fetterman should not have to “be grateful”, he should vote as his district wishes him to vote. This is the problem with politics anymore, everybody is paying someone off. That’s BS, you are hired by the people for the people, not to pay back debts to the DS.

  2. The Democrat Party in its entirety worked very hard to create the abominable mess they’re in now. Now they’re all blaming each other for it.

    Too bad, Democrat/Communists. YOU collectively wanted this now eat it up and suffer for it!

    Our representatives are supposed to represent We the People and our best interests NOT the wishes of the Globalist/Communists. Remember that? No? I didn’t think so!

    C’mon, GOP, get into the fight on OUR side! You too represent US. Show that!

  3. Was it Carviel that elected Fetterman??? If the people put him in office, then it is up to them to remove him, if they feel they are not being represented they will vote him out.

  4. Since when does Carville or the Dem,ocrats get to decide if he will be re-elected. That should be the voters decision. But you see how this works now? The Democrats don’t give a damn what the voters say or want. They do what they and they alone want. Harris was “INSTALLED” she was never even nominated her for the job let alone go thru a primary election. And you sheeple just sit there watching and chuggin the Kool-Aid.

  5. Since when does Carville or the Democrats get to decide if he will be re-elected. That should be the voters decision. But you see how this works now? The Democrats don’t give a damn what the voters say or want. They do what they and they alone want. Harris was “INSTALLED” she was never even nominated her for the job let alone go thru a primary election. And you sheeple just sit there watching and chuggin the Kool-Aid. Sadly, when all is lost you will be the people screaming the loudest

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