Democrats are counting illegal votes to steal this election from Republicans

Americans thought the 2024 election was over. But Donald Trump and his supporters got some bad news. And Democrats are counting illegal votes to steal this election from Republicans. Democrats seek to count illegal ballots [...]


  1. Why aren’t the elected republicans currently serving in washington raising h^ll about this blatant disregard of law??? If the (loyal establishment loving) dimocrats get away with this, it will be just the incentive they need to continue this kind of garbage (until they can overturn every recent election result that didn’t go their way). Are the R’s (those who aren’t members of the Trump hating RINO division anyway) really going to stand there and (nervously) watch, while the dimocrats cheat them out of either of the (slim) majorities they are now holding???

  2. There are LAWS against rigging elections and illegal votes.

    I know this has become a silly question in the past few decades of Democrat Rule, but – WHY AREN’T OUR DEFENDERS AND THE GOP GOING AFTER THESE CRIMINALS FOR BREAKING THOSE LAWS AND RIGGING ELECTIONS?????

    Do We the Little People have ANYONE on our side with guts any more?????

    • What about Arizona. The Senate election was stolen from Kari Lake and nothing has been done about it. Unbelievable! These ballots should be investigated and recounted. I cannot believe that they are getting away with this!! Come on Arizona, DEMAND that this Stolen Election is investigated and Recounted. Kari Lake is the TRUE Winner!!

  3. The Supreme Court has overruled the dumbass Democrats counting illegal ballots! It’s over you cheating ass holes! Donald Trump has twice done what I said Hillary Clinton will never do, Become POTUS! What she did to our soldiers in Benghazi she will never be able to undo!

  4. Mitch MCConnell and his 5-chins needs to take his RINO ass to the Old Folks Home, he is a worthless piece of shit just like Liz Chaney, Mutt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and the rest of the traitors! Trump won, take your sorry asses off somewhere because the People have spoken, you all, on both sides of the aisle, better understand, we are armed, and protective! We don’t sign any UN Register, we don’t answer to traitors, who knowingly, supported Communist Obama! We don’t take Soros money! Leave President Trump alone and get out of our way, we have a Country to rebuild!

  5. We want to live in our America peacefully, with the POTUS able to do the will of the people, without being attacked every day of his life by Communists, and Jealous has beens! The Supreme Court has to act to insure a normal life in America! The People have spoken, let the Trump Administration do their jobs! Obama started all this communist, Banana Republic bull shit and it’s not what the majority wants! Get out of our Country! If you communist wannabes can’t live like normal Americans, get out!

  6. Have Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, explain how the DNC knowingly supported Communist Obama, ignoring the 1954 Communist Control Act? Explain how a dual citizen billionaire unelected individual is left to choose, and appoint, Federal Judges? The treasonous acts by the DNC is never questioned! Biden proved himself to be too senile to finish his term, yet he just kicked off WW3 with the munitions he sent to Ukraine! Why is Biden left alone to continue making such decisions without Congress?

  7. The Supreme Court should issue a restraining order to the far left, DNC, Progressives, so the POTUS can do the will of the People! These evil, antagonists relentlessly attacked President Trump every waking moment during his last term, the bogus charges should be thrown out, and the Soros chosen Judges and city officials in NYC should be arrested and share a cell with George Soros! We should not be forced to dread the decisions made by an unelected communist Nazi billionaire who’s life ambition is destroying Freedom in a Country that gave him refruge when his home country won’t allow him to return home!

  8. The Supreme Court, has already told Pennsylvania, to stop counting illegal ballots, you Democrats claim to be so intelligent, yet you can’t understand illegal-is-illegal! People you imbeciles allowed through our southern border, are illegal! Kamala Harris, is dumber than a turnip, and you turds on the left, just lost the election because of your actions, the majority of Americans don’t like what yon’ve been doing, but you just keep doing the same stuff!
    The definition of insanity, is doing the same thing, over and over expecting a different result! That’s also the definition of the DNC! You just got through witnessing Kamala Harris, being too stupid to be POTUS, yet someone mentioned her as a replacement for Sotomayor, ARE YOU IDIOTS SERIOUS? My God, just how much humiliation can you take? You’re gonna hang around, trying prove your insanity too long, and the authorities are going to be issuing warrants, you should be running from the law! Joe Biden is a senile old fool, his puppet masters are so spiteful, that they are provoking nuclear war with Russia, again, where’s the logic?

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