Kamala Harris offered this bribe to help her defeat Donald Trump

Kamala Harris is in a 90-day sprint to the White House. It’s a win at all costs. And Kamala Harris offered this bribe to help her defeat Donald Trump. Harris travels to Michigan and tries [...]


  1. Who can take another 4 years of this. Living like a third world country. Kamala is not even African American ! Wasn’t her Jamaican granddaddy the one with African slaves. She was brought in that environment. She thinks nothing of enslaving people she is doing a pretty good job right now. Wait till she becomes president

  2. Harris/Biden bailed out the murdering BLM members after they burned cities, attacked and beat the people, and killed police officers, now Harris/Waltz back the Illegals not we the American people, who want to cut our Social Security that we need to live on and give that to the damn illegals. Like the cows in the field these demo-nutcake Shit on the American people. Under them, we have no Rights that were given to the Illegals. Democrats do not follow Federal or State law, they break the Law while attacking we the people, All democrats in government should be removed from the Whitehouse and Congress down to every state, every city, and every town if America is to live.

  3. We are rotting from the inside out. Our government and policies are NOT for sale!!!! These Demonrats think it is but it isn’t !!!! I voted for Clinton but will NEVER vote democrat again!!! Why you ask well AOC Cori bush, Talib, and all the squad members plus shitmer Piglosi who are only about making money for themselves

  4. Stolen valor, Harris’s record or lack thereof, Harris requiring a government issued ID card to get into her rallies, the fact that these two are running in spite of the fact that neither ever went thru the primary process. When Biden stepped down Harris was his VP candidate, she dropped out with him by default. She is supposed to put her hat in the ring and run on her own – win the primary. The Democrats skipped this process and “installed” her. Where is the democracy in that? Now they will call anyone who does not vote for her a “racist” – their go to rubber stamp. Ever wonder why when a Democrat calls someone like Dr. Ben Carson an “Uncle Tom” that is not racist? The Democrats are communist and this is primary issue is just one example of that. They piss on our laws and do what they want. They have bought and paid for the alphabet agencies that just sit on their asses and watch this counrty spirals down the bowl. I sure hope they are proud of themselves. As a Vet I wouldn’t be able to look in the mirror.

    • Dr. Ben Carson, as remarkable man as any, unfortunately is not the “right color black”. In other words, he is extremely intelligent, talented, and thinks for himself, so he can’t be ruled over or fall in place like the Democrats would like him to do. Whenever you have a black man or woman who has achieved great things through hard work and study, they are put down because they dared challenge the establishment. Kamala Harris is not black, but she is of color and I don’t think she achieved her political appointments through hard work, but rather, circumstances of the time. ThecHarris/Walz ticket scares me to death!

      • Dr. Carson is what some would call “uppity”. Even though he’s a skilled neurosurgen, who even successfully separated conjoined twins joined at the head, he is Black, and so belongs to the Democratic Party. After all, Joe Biden told Charlemagne tha God “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black”.


  6. Look at to what degree this hypocrite will stoop just to get power and control in America. This woman is a “Jezebel” just waiting to become the reigning control freak! And just as “Jezebel” was slopped up by dogs, she will meet the same end. She has no desire to do anything that even the democrats would want. She is unilaterally going to destroy everything America. She is a demon just waiting to get her chance.

  7. She makes me sick. She even lies about being black just to get more votes. I saw the interview with Judge Brown and he said that she is lying about being black. Her parents were both Indian immigrants and were of different sects. She lies about everything in her own life. She was going to school in Canada when Biden fought against busing kids. So she learned how to lie from the best, Biden and Obama.

    • But one Black reporter at that meeting of Black journalists told Trump that Kamala was Black because “she went to a Black college.” Since she is really of Indian descent, she shouldn’t have qualified for that college, since being Black is a necessary criteria. She lied even to get into college.

    • Then Harris, running against Biden, basically called him a bigot, who as you said, “fought against bussing kids”, and one of those kids was her. She credited her education with that bussing. Maybe that’s why she loves those YELLOW SCHOOL BUSES.

  8. If Kamala wins WE THE PEOPLE LOSE OUR COUNTRY!! NWO AND OTHER COUNTRY’s will be our leaders and dictators!! Don’t think they won’t come after you democrats after they’re in power!! If you disagree with them you will lose every single thing you have in a very fast way of their choosing! But we have a choice to make this choice will depend upon patriots of the U.S.A. Or people who want DEEP STATE DICTATORSHIPS!! HAVE FUN NEXT YEAR!

    • this gov will go down tne tubes cause a civil war we dont need communist control which is what the puppet masters obama and killery want

      the puppet masters obama and

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