Donald Trump saw the one poll result that will horrify Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is in the middle of a press-generated surge of momentum. But Democrats were in for some bad news. And Donald Trump saw the one poll result that will horrify Kamala Harris. Poll shows [...]


  1. I just want to say that Trump is the one who made us a self-sufficient Nation. What has happened in the almost 4 years is Horrendous. Anyone voting for Harris want abortion, higher taxes, open border and the list goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pray that all the peoples ears and eyes will be opened so that they can hear and see the destruction that this administration has done to this Nation. Tell me if I lie!!!!!!!!!!! You can’t because it is the Truth.

  2. If harris/walz win the election, u will have turned America into a banana republic of china, both these radical, liberal, loud mouth, incompetent, people will destroy what biden hasn’t, and America will no longer be America. People better wake up, So many people are dealing with TDS, so bad, they can’t think for themselves, hating Trump who has done so much for this country is absolutely insane. This adminstration has caused all the damage to our country,not Trump, hidenbiden and harris have caused everything, that’s happeninmg in the world, is everyone fkg blind, open your dam eyes, and use your little pea brain, with common sense, are know it’s hard.

    • Of course they are going for camillian Kamal. She pays them to lie and try to make her look good. But anyone with a brain knows she worthless and will destroy this country no matter how much she lies and changes everything she has said for years

    • I don’t understand what all these Trump haters are all about…weren’t we wayyy better off with Trump?? I know damn good and well that I was!!!! If you vote democraps you deserve what you get….I do not.

    • I’m a Brit and can’t believe these polls that put the useless Harris in the lead against Donald Trump. This reminds me of the Biden Trump campaigns. Never saw Biden out canvassing and when he did he only managed to fill a room Trump filled arenas. Biden knew the fix was in its the same with Harris she doesn’t have to do anything she knows what’s going on and America will pay a huge price if cheating gets her into the Whitehouse.. America and my country UK are heading towards Marxism.

  3. Of course they are going for camillian Kamal. She pays them to lie and try to make her look good. But anyone with a brain knows she worthless and will destroy this country no matter how much she lies and changes everything she has said for years

  4. Of course they are going for camillian Kamal. She pays them to lie and try to make her look good. But anyone with a brain knows she worthless and will destroy this country no matter how much she lies and changes everything she has said for years

  5. Of course they are going for Kamal. She pays them to lie and try to make her look good. But anyone with a brain knows she worthless and will destroy this country no matter how much she lies and changes everything she has said for years

  6. Of course they are going for Kamal. She pays them to lie and try to make her look good. But anyone with a brain knows she worthless and will destroy this country no matter how much she lies and changes everything she has said for years

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