A Florida woman just learned a tough lesson about giving her husband fast food for his birthday

Researchers believe the first birthday party took place in Egypt around the year 3,000 B.C. Most Americans still celebrate their special day with a birthday dinner and presents. But this Florida woman just learned a [...]


  1. Taco Bell & McDonald’s for your Birthday. Tis better to be Happy with what you get, and get along with your spouse. Show Appreciation that she remembered you. Next year, get him Wiener Schnitzel Hot Dogs with Onions, Jalapenos & Mustard.

  2. Taco Bell & McDonald’s for your Birthday. Tis better to be Happy with what you get, and get along with your spouse. Show Appreciation that she remembered you. Next year, get him Wiener Schnitzel Hot Dogs with Onions, Jalapenos & Mustard before you wipe it across his face!

  3. The disagreement was prompted by far more than a Taco Bell Meal, this couple needs to learn, as do all desiring to be really happy in their marriage how to communicate, not assume (I think we are all familiar with the sentence made from assume), and simple conversations between married couples, are so much more accomplishing than quarrels!

  4. There MUST be a lot more behind this story than we see. Without knowing those issues who are we to judge?

    I’ve gotten a birthday meal at a fast food store more than once in my life along with the well wishes and pampering. I happily accepted it as it was meant.

    What’s behind this story????

  5. It’s a bad meal almost any time!! If they have been married that long, why did she not anticipate his reaction? Have they never had a meal together or is this an example of her cooking? Maybe he should have taken the deal as the lesser evil!!

  6. May not be a bad birthday meal but it isn’t good either. Does your spouse like the food from these resturants befor you buy their food.

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