Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s latest rant revealed one truth about the election that Democrats refuse to admit

The final sprint to Election Day in November is underway.  Polls show the race is neck and neck.  And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s latest rant revealed one truth about the election that Democrats refuse to admit. The [...]


  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is up there with some of the worst democrats out there along with Kampala and Hilary. Let us not forget communist Obama. He might have gone to Yale but it wasn’t in this country.

    • Let us ALL not forget that Obama’s utterly forged and fake birth certificate was trashed by his own family and PROVED fake by the information found on it, such as being born in a medical center that DIDN’T EXIST YET!!

      But did anyone in a position of authority do anything at all with the FACT that he was BORN IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY AND FATHERED BY A KENYAN NATIONAL?

      NO, NOBODY did a thing. INCLUDING THE GOP!!!

      Our problems run much deeper than the Democrat/Communist/Globalists! One MAJOR problem is the COWARDICE and COMPLICITY of the Republican Party in voting to support the Democrats and running away from them on vital issues.

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