Greg Gutfeld demanded criminal charges against this top Kamala Harris ally

The Five co-host Greg Gutfeld saw a major scandal unfolding in real-time. He felt there was only one thing to do. And Greg Gutfeld demanded criminal charges against this top Kamala Harris ally. Greg Gutfeld [...]


  1. Thank you!!! We are SO SICK of the Dems ‘misinformation’ campaigns that are just Dem manipulation of the Facts and censoring them! in order to promote Dem misinformation! especially Dem candidate propaganda, which is more prominently on display than even Paid Ads for candidates! Dems HAVE TO BE STOPPED!!! But a Dem Admin. is not going to do it!

    • but… but I just heard Merlin Garlic say that the Dept. of JUST US (communist) was not biased or unfair about who has to obey the law, and who doesn’t. He is as much of a lying yankee as Hitlery Rotten Clinton when she/it said “no one is above the law”.

    • The reason they won’t publish your answer is because your answer does not meet their beliefs which are nothing but weaponization of the majority of the American people!!!

      • and Amy Coney Barrett said that “you need to prove your were harmed” when your EMPLOYEEs lie to you, or cancel your opinion. IF We the People are the employer, WHY can we not fire them? Answer: We the People were made slaves on April 9 1865, when the republic was destroyed, 660 000 citizens killed.

  2. If you saw the debate the other night, you saw the double standard and bias. Harris used “mis” and “dis” in every sentence. She said 24-25 beauties.

    • I agree. She and Crazy Tim are a double disaster for this country!
      Donald Trump, with his four years of EFFECTIVE leadership as president is our only hope.

      • guess what Mel, half of Amerika is communist & crazy. RED states need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika. Make men and states free again (1776-1865)

  3. It won’t stop or even slow down until the media is force to start paying for their slanderous misinformation (by an honest court).

    • I find it funny at the end about a fair political poll checking that Trump would not get a fair pole, “No”, the polls changed my answer to “Yes”.

  4. It’s time that these media outlets are sued by the people for their lies and misinformation propaganda. I don’t watch any news from them anymore because they lie about everything. Even the local news is not true news anymore. I don’t trust any of them anymore. I only watch NewsMax and Fox. And check out stuff on the internet and only some places there. Only places that I can trust.

  5. I only watch a couple of shows on the networks. I watch other streaming shows for entertainment. Mostly old movies and shows and history shows.

  6. the lying media and the deceiving demonrats are the equivalent to a BROOD OF VIPERS lying thru their teeth in everything they say and do!

  7. EVERY SO called NEWS outlet needs to be SUED out of Existence, the CEO’s and Managers ALL need LONG Jail Time, their lies Border on TREASON

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