Fox News made Kamala Harris one offer that a major ally told her to accept

Kamala Harris and Fox News are known to have an antagonistic relationship. But the ice may be thawing. And Fox News made Kamala Harris one offer that a major ally told her to accept. Fox [...]


    • Nothing new, from copying trump, not answering questions, don’t want to hear how good cook she is, schooling or attorney in California. Nothing on how to help hard working Americans. All her work as VP show illegal immigrants benefiting. Her VP running mate has ties to China, let her dispute that.

  1. I would not expect D. Trump to debate with those two horse a$$ moderating. Myself; I would rather see Megan Kelly and Dan Bongino. At least they rise above the intellect level of Muir and Davis.

  2. The first debate was obviously biased and Kamala seemed to be well aware of what questions would be asked. She appeared to have memorized the answers given to her to study by the Biden/Harris puppet master that has lurked behind the scenes controlling both politicians during this entire administration. Harris has no clue of anything that is going on unless the puppet master controls her strings. The questions in a Fox News debate could be handled fairly without future knowledge handed to the Democratic team behind Harris. Then it would become clear that Kamala is both lazy and dumb.

  3. I personally do not put a lot of faith in Fox news because they are owned by Murdoc and they have some people there who are actually liberals.
    The only way I feel Trump should debate on Fox is if he is able to choose who he wants to moderate, just as Biden got to choose and Kama chameleon chose her soriety sister.
    And a guarantee from Fox that the questions will not be leaked to hair-a$$.

  4. Fox NEWS is NOT to be trusted. Not much difference between them and the other “mainstream”, so=called news reporting. President Trump should refuse as he is doing, to another debate.

  5. Fox joined the coup in 2020 when they called the election early. Then they sold out on thev Dominion lawsuit that could have revealed the election fraud by exposing the evidence that the courts hid under the ” standing” horse crap. Baier and McCallum helped spread the lie about Trump. Never watched the traitors who sold out the Country one single time since.

  6. Has FOX talked to DJT and tried to lure him into another debate-most intelligent thinking folks have realized that in the ‘big picture’ FOX is definitely ‘down’ with the same establishment loving mentality that drives most all the other media outlets. All he-DJT-needs is one moderator who will 1) at least give him a fair shake (and won’t allow the other mod to bully, harass, and/or falsely fact-check everything he says) and 2) will not hesitate to call out kamala’s garbage every time she starts spewing out already disproven LIES as if they were accepted facts (which obviously means this person is going to be very very Either Jesse Waters or Tucker Carlson (shouldn’t matter if he doesn’t still work at FOX.. if that’s who DJT were to want to moderate) would be excellent choices.. IMNSHO anyway.

    LGB/LGK/LGAnybody they put on their ticket….

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