Bruce Springsteen just made this major 2024 announcement of endorsement

Bruce Springsteen is one of the biggest names in the history of rock and roll. He’s also known to be politically active. And now Bruce Springsteen just made this major 2024 announcement of endorsement. Bruce [...]


    • Well, just like Whoopie and others PROMISED to LEAVE, once again showing WHAT LIARS, THEY REALLY ARE. They tend to forget, with their OUTAGEOUS LIES, the have DISMUSSED OVER half the POPULATION. Besides, if they would JUST LEAVE, they WOULD NOT BE MISSED and would do us a great favor in the process.

      • What’s the matter with You People, huh?????? Aren’t we Americans free to believe what we want and say what we want???? And that includes Bruce Springsteen and Taylor Swift,right? Anyone who is so offended by free speech should either buy themselves a pair of ear plugs or just plain leave the country. They’re a bunch of ignorant idiots who have no knowledge of the Constitution or the history of our country.

  1. That’s a Big mistake. She’s not for America. She’ll have us doing the Hitler salute – can’t stand her. Dumber than a box of rocks and a traitor as well

      • He proves once again, that just like Swift, he should stick to singing and forego meddling in politics which he apparently knows very little about.

      • What is wrong with you 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍Democracy is attack by the elite Democrat!! You are out of your mind!!! You are not a true American citizen!!!

        • When will entertainment stars learn to keep their mouths shut on politics? Did they not learn anything from Taylor swifts comments. No one cares what they think and they usually hurt their status when they speak politics!

  2. I’ve never needed a professional actor, athlete or entertainer in my lifetime. This POS and his commie buddies can kiss my ass and I think his music sucks.

  3. He is dumber then a rock to think true Americans do not see the communist Harris as what communist do to people. He does not know the Constitution. If he did he would know what the dems have done to destroy our Country. So he made his songs to do the same as the Lib Dems with their Communist propaganda. Once a Commie always a commie.

  4. Another rich bitch that hates what America is about after he made a ton of money . He is a piece of crap like Harris

  5. How can you be so successful and so stupid at the same time? Id love to hear him get specific about why he wants her to run the Free World, in light of her past performance. Douche Springsteen.

  6. I don’t know why these POS think that we give a rats ass what they think or do. He and Taylor Swift don’t have any clue about what the real people deal with. If they did they wouldn’t charge a fortune for concert tickets. I wouldn’t go see them if they gave me tickets. They aren’t for the working class.

  7. Why was there even an announcement of this? This is hardly a surprise. Did anyone think he would endorse anyone else? He used to be a “big name”, but not so much now and for a long time. Who the F cares what he thinks? I wish he would go take singing lessons, or in his case mumbling in tune lessons

    • I was a fan not anymore. He should try to live were the illegal immigrants are. See how certain immigrants have taken over hotels and towns with their criminal take overs and the police have been told to stand down. Maybe let them move into his neighborhood and see how much he’d like it.

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