Maxine Waters made this scary prediction about a civil war
The Democrat Party is unhinged. No one is more off the rails over President Trump and his agenda than California Congresswoman Maxine Waters. And Maxine Waters made this scary prediction about a civil war. The [...]
And the reason they want it is to make TRUMP look like the cause. I’m so tired of hearing all this garbage I can’t stand it.
Get rid of that ugly DOG, all she does is all of B.S. Arf!arf! Arf!arf!
Does she think the citizen of this country are dumb enough to listen to them. I would hope not. Because if they do then heaven help our country and their souls. It galls me to no end that common sense among our general citizens is so lacking. Our legislature we elected are suppose to do what’s needed for the country as a whole. Not just individual states, groups or individuals, who have only one agenda. Believe me it’s not for the country as a whole. That’s the problem with the democrats they have blinders on. Twisting the truth and acting like children sure doesn’t have my support. If this offends someone. Tough! We all need to wake up & actually see what these power hungry & greedy people are doing to our country. If your not happy here. Just pack up & leave. Other wise you will never be happy here. The world envy’s us so why play into their hands. Which is just what the political parties are doing. Please wake up & use common sense to keep us a free country.
The problem is, the Democrats DO listen to them! Many are starting to see what they’re doing, and are switching parties, but too many are still hanging on everything these idiots are saying.
Waters is the most incompetent and talks like Sharpton as well. She is a disgrace to blacks…She has a lot of hatred and very outspoken views and is too old to be a senator. She continually looks for trouble. What a dilbert idiot!
She is the worst politician in the country. I think she should get it through her head. Hopefully someone will eventually beat her. I think she should marry Al Green. They would make a good couple. She is just so brainless.
Calling her that is a dis on dogs.
She noted Dr. King’s request for peaceful protests, and states that is what the Democrats adhere to? Then what about all the RIOTS and CITYWIDE destructions after the Rodney King murder? Is that the way Democrats adhere to “PEACEFUL” protests? My answer to that is HA HA HA! NO WAY . Go get an education Maxcineeee and then go to converse with you looooooser Govenor in the state of California !
This woman is one of the hate, violence, and aggressive riot instigators who should be held accountable for all the evil violence that the democrats are promoting in our society. The left owns all the hate and violence that comes across our screens every night on TV. She ought to be impeached or drummed out of American politics so she can stop with her nonsense and we can stop her corruption in Congress. She made her millions on kick backs and under the table politicking. She is a threat to democracy!!
She should be in an insane asylum she is the definition of crazy and hateful. Always trying to stir up trouble! If a civil war would happen a lot of it would be her fault and the democrats would end up sorry that they ever started it, send this thing to the nut house
👍🏻- lots of mental illness in the Democrat party- can not control their feelings -can’t control themselves- same ol same ol –
DEMOCRAT …. has become synonymous with MENTAL HEALTH DISORDER
She is just a raving lunatic looking to start a civil war. Any sane person should be smart enough to see through her agenda.
How about we do a revolutionary war and remove all the corruption in our government hold them accountable and then they will be no need for a civil war
If that goofy Dinosaur wants it, she needs to grab Omar & lead the charge. Lefties stayed home & hid in the basement & never got a chance to see the real thing. We’ll call it an educational experience & a lot of fun target practice. Let’s do it while I’m still able to participate. NO DEMS-NO RINOS-MAGA OR ELSE!
Unfortunately the demoncraptic party has been calling for a civil war since the 1970s. Those Americans not in sympathy have been been prepared for almost as long. Most people have noticed is that all this violence ONLY occurs in large towns with a democraptic administration. I believe there was a song written not to many years ago about “Don’t try that in a small town”.