A California Sheriff just made Kamala Harris regret featuring him in her new border security ad

As Joe Biden’s “Border Czar,” Kamala Harris is responsible for more than 10 million illegal aliens that have entered the country over the past three-and-a-half years. But she tells voters in a new ad that [...]


  1. All you have to know is that Biden and Harris let 11 million illegals come across the border and Biden just let them come across without any repercussions? If Harris gets elected they will open up the gates even more. How about all the laws that illegals have broken and guns are part of the problem along with rape, carjacking, shoplifting, and what has she done about that? How about defunding the police and crime goes through the roof and crime goes sky high and Harris has not done a dam thing to suppress it at all and are you better off than you were 4 years ago???????????????

    • She has got to go down in history as the most dishonest and lying politician in history. Nothing that comes out of her moth can be trusted. And her ads are a shame. She can’t get away with this much longer. Vote Trump

    • I agree, she didn’t do a thing to make this country great, and it will only get worse, illegal aliens are buying and renting homes that even our citizens who are living on the streets can’t afford, voting for her will be the last of our liberties in America. I pray whoever gets in, that both parties will work together for the good of America and forget their childish differences. May God Bless America once again.

    • The stupid mindless bitch is so far out of being a corrupt, ignorant person. Her “black bullshit,” is pissing off the good blacks. A group of vigilantes should be at the border to defend America from these radical – illegal migrants! Any and all “sanctuary cities,” should be sent any of them!

    • Well! Thank the heavens, that Americans finally woke up, and Elected Trump by both the electoral collegr, AND the Popular vote!He’s already turning things back to sanity! YEA!!! TRUMP!!!

  2. I stand behind this Sherriff who spoke and gave us the truth. My hat is off to you sir! Harris is a communist who wants all Americans communist! She didn’t win the election in 2020 she got no votes! SHE DROP OUT! NOW SHE IS SUPER Fund Raiser! Get real she is absolutely clueless as to “How to run a country!” Ither than destroy it with her idiosyncrasies and communism!


  4. If Democrats couldn’t LIE they’d be totally MUTE.

    What’s even far worse than that is the sad disgusting FACT that Auto(D) voters buy those lies without spending 5 minutes researching the TRUTH.

    LOL, they’re still eagerly waiting for all that Free Stuff that their DemoCommie Masters have been giving away to CRIMINAL ILLEGAL INVADERS! LOL LOL.

    Sorry, AUTO(D) fools, the money needed to pay for your BRIBES is already gone!

    When I was younger and studying the history of the foolish easily swayed world I often wondered how people could be so easily led down into destruction. NOW I KNOW just from seeing the US DemoCommie Party in action! It’s EASY! Just promise them the moon!

    • Luv your very first line:

      If Dems couldn’t LIE they’d be totally MUTE.

      Get out the Vote! NO DEMS. Period!

  5. True a vote for any democrats is a vote against the United States of America and its citizens. Don’t be fooled by Harris she is a monster trying to act like a bird. Vote for keeping America strong . Don’t vote democrat.

    • I agree with Joby, Harris is a MONSTER, who only cares about herself, not the AMERICAN PEOPLE. THIS WOMAN IS TOXIC. SHE WILL DO ANYTHING TO SCREW AMERICANS !!

  6. Democrates are a communist party John and Bobby Kennedy must be rolling in there graves i use to be Democrate but they decive cheat lie there like 5 th graders they try to put him in jail they can t beat him they go to name calling underhand handed games she cant even do an in person interview the media and her party is protecting she is in over her head she has not got the expreicens for this job the weman don t care about the country just so they can have a woman for President they can t keep blaming Trump for there failed policies if Harris gets in we are GOING IN TO WORLD WAR 3 SO PEOPLE WAKE UP THERES NO REDOS WHEN YOU FIGURED OUT YOU MAKE A MISTAKE YOU DON T LIKE TRUMP FOR THE WAY HE TALKS OR BEING A BULLY GOD DAM GET OVER IT WE NEED STRENGTH NO A BUNCH OF LIES AND GIGGLING SHES NOT STRONG ENOUGH

  7. Keep in mind, when you go to vote that the deamoncrats ARE already cheating and lying! We can not allow them to win in November, if that happens, if they win WE all lose. What those dimocrats don’t realize is that they lose a well.
    If you care at all about our freedoms, about America, VOTE RED ALL THE WAY!

  8. If they are allowed to steal another election the United States will be forced into a civil war and we will once again be forced to fight to stay free and if they continue on the path the Democrats have this country on we will be speaking Chinese and Russian before the mid terms Biden did everything he could to deplete our strategic reserves selling our oil to the Chinese giving our weapons to Ukraine when they should be taking care of Israel the Ukraine president is a billionaire and the American tax payer is paying the bill Ukraine is no different than Russia and they don’t give a damn about the American people and Biden has weakened this countries military and federal law enforcement agencies being weaponized against president Trump and the entire religious community people of all faiths and all the people who were denied due process and committed no crime but they are in prison labeling parent’s for caring about what their children were be taught labeled as domestic terrorist the list of the damage they have done is long and those of us who are trying to do the right thing and let the elections decide which direction the country goes but the process has become so dishonest there is no way an election can fix this country there have been times in this country when the people have been forced to rise up and and secure America’s freedom from those in office I believe we at the point when we should have started fighting back before they stole the election and inserted Biden and I let myself be convinced the mid terms would be different but the democratic communist cheaters did it again in the mid terms I knew then we should organize and take our country back because there not going to stop and we don’t have enough Republicans to stop them half the Republican party are Democrats like McConnell there’s no vote a Republican can win in this country and it’s the people’s fault we got lazy and stopped participating in government and allowed corruption to grow and as long as we were left alone we would be ok the government can take care of it wrong without accountability you have a population of self will run riot and along the way greed has become the politics and religion of this country everyone is racing to get their piece of the pie and the hell with everything else now look at us we are on the verge of a civil war and our streets are going to run red with the blood of innocent people because if they continue to cheat we are left with no other option and I believe we were at the point where we should fight during nobamas 2nd term and he is still one of the driving forces behind the real insurrection being carried out by the communist America last Democrats and Republicans this has in the works for decades and if Trump hadn’t outted them they would have already succeeded but Trump is the reason why I woke up too tho truth they had me fooled but when they started the scamdimic to strengthen their position and have a trial run to see how much they could get away with I started researching and that got me know we’re I was using Google and I was unable to find the truth until I sought information every source available and as I was awakened I began with God’s guidance to gleen the truth out of the information and I discovered that Trump is truly beyond reproach and the Democrats proved he is the right person to be president because they used every resource available to find dirt on Trump they tore his life apart for 9 year’s and when they couldn’t find anything against him they made up crime’s to charge him with I didn’t even go to highschool and I’m smart enough to see Trump is our only hope to save America the Democrats don’t even care about hiding what their doing anymore and if Americans can’t see the truth by now I consider those people are lost forever no matter what happens but the majority knows that if Trump doesn’t win that we are at war because no rational person knowing the truth about Democrats and Kamala can’t vote anything but Republican they infiltrated our government from the oval office to your local school board and if they steal another election you should bend over and kiss your ass good bye they will destroy what degree of freedom we have left and here’s why I believe their will be a civil war is there are tens of millions of American patriots tha are willing to die for our freedom and we will be left with no choice I pray that God will again save us from ourselves and Google is communist

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