A former NFL star stunned Barack Obama with this damning truth

Barack Obama’s hitting the campaign trail for Kamala Harris. Right out of the gate, he realized this wasn’t 2008 anymore. And now a former NFL star stunned Barack Obama with this damning truth. Herschel Walker [...]


  1. I’m glad to see people like Herschel Walker speak up for the truth. It’s about time we saw Black people start to fight for what’s right and good for them instead of just going along with the narrative that the Democrats feed to you that isn’t good for you in the long run.

  2. Even African=Americans are fed up with pos divider=in=chief, that split this country in two. He will never be forgiven, for what the obutheads did to our country. They are the most race=baiting, white hating, pathetic, sick, anti=american, president of all time. He still running his mouth gaslighting the people. With obuthead out there cheering for out side. I know we will win, obuthead always brings us through. LOL

  3. Obama’s once again showing his RACISM. Yes, it’s racism when he talks about blacks not voting according to HIS requirements to show that they’re black.

    If ANYONE’s reason for voting as they do is based on gender or skin color, they’re voting for the wrong reasons. Our reasons for voting should be based on a person’s qualifications, history as a leader, and ability and policies that will bring about what’s best for the country as a whole and secure our freedom and sovereignty, not on skin color or gender, nor catering to any special-interest group.

  4. Obama was the worst president we ever had before they give it to Joe Biden the worst in Americas history now they trying to give it to that laughing idiot nothing ever funny she probably laughing about how bad her and Joe screwed this country up there evil pure evil very sick people

  5. Thank you Hershel walker you’re a real man I appreciate you for standing up and being real too all that fake nonsense god bless you brother

  6. Obama was the worst individual to ever hold the WH at siege. To have ever allowed him within 100 miles of the WH was a serious mistake the left wing communist party made in their history. It is incumbent on all Americans to not allow democommunist to ever place another of their choices in any position of authority.

  7. This is one of the reasons that Democrats support earlier, and earlier voting; they want votes “In the Bank” before all of their lies are exposed.

  8. The Clintons started the slide when they pushed the PC (Political Correctness for those younger than 50) Obama continued the slide when he signed into law protections for “selected minorities”, giving free reign to those who should keep it in the bedroom not the public square. Biden tried to finish the slide but failed so they’re pushing the DEI choice for President, hoping she’ll finish the job.

  9. Voting based on skin color is the very definition of racism, that would surely be said by the left to someone not voting for a person solely based on skin color wouldn’t it? Telling black people how to vote in itself racist – like they are not smart enough to decide for themselves. But then again, Barry when he gets around other black guys – has always reminded me of school and the dorky white guys trying to be hip with the “Brothers”.

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