A judge is about to hand Kamala Harris this ultimate October surprise

Events could dictate the outcome of the 2024 Election. In that case, Kamala Harris has a huge ace in the hole. And a judge is about to hand Kamala Harris this ultimate October surprise. Judge [...]


  1. Merchan should be charged with attempting to tamper with the election and he should be disbarred. Whatever he decides will not affect the voters so he should do the right thing and drop the case.

        • i agree wake up in our country people everything thay have always comes out to win on the demorat corrupt party.

        • Wow ,,,I am very amazed,,, I have watched, read, and studied the Clinton crime family for over 30 years, Did not realize there was anyone else out there that felt the same way or had an opinion. When those ( 3 ) are gone the world WILL BE A MUCH SAFER PLACE. Billy Hilly and Chelsea as close to real mobsters as it gets. IRAN LOVES THEM. Most of my relatives live in AR. and Tenn.

      • From what I could find and I am no master mind. Yes if elected, he could be president behind bars. Once President I could not tell if he could pardon himself. But that sure would put a bee up some butts. But tit for tat, if he is forced out can you see Vance up against Harris in a debate? That would be one to record.

    • The left has big money to pay him off. Even if get never sits on the bench again, he won’t ever want for anything. He already lost his dignity, his Morales, self respect if he ever had them. I think some on the left have already acted like mob bosses and will do it again to get their way.
      How many skeletons are in their closets?

      • Of course, we expected nothing differently. The democrats have had this all planned out for months! If this happens it will cause a war amonst the Americans! The democrats want nothing more then to,divide this cou try and they will pay Merchan off to keep comtrol of brainwashing America!

        • That’s right everyone should be prepared if laughing face gets in the White House!!!!she and her party want s us killed! Why do you think they won’t close the border. She is another puppet for the Democrats. Believe me! Common sense !! We all have that .Democrat s think we are all stupid well do whatever they tell us to do .

      • Merchan is a puppet, as are most liberals. They can’t really think for themselves, they follow. The Pied Pipper of Hamlin is their mentor. The greatest under the table point here is that his daughter is really pulling the strings. She is and has worked for the DNC under the last couple of administrations and she has her father the judge in here pocket under her thumb, OH IT MAKES YOU WONDER …? The Trump Administration is up against some of the most lowlife evil people on earth. If he is able to govern and be effective it will be by the GRACE OF GOD.

    • Will be civil war. Knowing this is a strong possibility
      Like other countries will try to please the crowd
      But still slap his wrist . But if taken off ballots who
      Will be left to vote for? If only Harris that’s not a
      Democratic way. Is then called a dictator elected
      Just trying to figure it out like rest of us

      • I have prayed for years, that “real men” would wake up and get their RED states to separate from this evil empire. Who would turn down a 60-70% tax cut? 100% reduction in federal regulation? only a coward or a fool. Amerika is full of BOTH

        • Heck I would vote for a 50% tax cut in year one, then throw the dice for year 2, to see just how deep he could cut it. I don’t logically believe that the Income tax can just go away, it has to be a gradual thing over like 3 years. By 2028 it could well happen. The RHINO’s won’t ever vote to kill it directly. Somehow they will do a back door tax thing kind of like the nonsense that was and has gone on with the SAID funds over the last 30 years? My big idea is the overhead the IRS costs the country. Billions in payroll and it is a never-ending money pit. Just about as bad as the Dept. of Education. To be honest the DOE could be shutdown in one year easily, and just let the states do their thing. Just like the Abortion issues are handled now. Throw that turkey right into the state level and let the states handle it in their own ways. GoodBYE DOE.. it would save the taxpayer 300 billion a year. WOW can anyone say BALANCE THE BUDGET ???

      • That’s what I was going to say. And martial law would be imposed. And that would keep Biden/Harris in office. Biden steps down and we’re stuck with the laughing hyena.

    • I’d vote for Trump in or out of jail.. Merchan is a crooked Judge…like soo many others. It’s an ABOMINATION!!!

        • Thank you Robert! Donald Trump should have been president these past four years instead of Sleepy Joe who has no idea what he did during his miserable years in the White House.

        • these republicans better get off there asses and start going after these corrupt demorats. if they win and then put trump in prison we have a war on our hands. wake up republicans look wghats happening in our country.we need you republican to start protecting president trump.nowi cant believe what is happening in our country.and tell those crazy stupid women on the view stop the bs about president donald j trump.take these crazy women off the air.there all the same especiallt joy behar and whoopi these women women should be in jail trump got twice a bullet for the head.cancele these corrupt women who the hell watches and listens to this corrupt tv stupid show,i never in my lifetime see and hear how much people hate president trumpif they try again to do this to trump we the people are going to have a riot in the streetsthese demorats are plain rats. they have divide our country.help us god and president donald j trumpvote for trump in 2024 and the supreme court better get off there asses and protect president trump.

    • Not only disbarred, but charged with election interferance for this election and tried in an honest unbiased court. The end result when found clearly guilty even if Trump wins the election, an easy to see result by anyone who doesn’t have TDS.

    • Actually,the Dems are afraid that if Merchan sends Trump to prison, it will secure his election to the presidency. Bragg has written a letter to Merchan to delay the sentencing.

    • Absolutely. This judge is a fake and so is Alvin Bragg. A political kangaroo court if I have ever seen one in my 79 years on this earth. Disgusting.

      • Add my 82 years to your astute observations. More than disgusting, it is Marxist and evil. Just what we should expect from the Marxist/Fascist/Democrat Party and its fellow travelers.

    • I’m afraid If this corrupt judge sentences Trump to jail, you can rest assured there will be an unrest in this country like has never been seen before. I’m afraid there will be violence in the streets worse than in 2020. Humpy Dumpty and that corrupt judge have meddled in the Presidential election from the start. The case will be overturned on appeal and the lawsuits will go flying from there!!

      I just hate that Republican voters are voting for the candidate they want and the Democratic Party, Democratic judge, Democratic DA and Congressmen and women are getting in on taking the Republican voters candidate away from them. It’s not the Democratic Party’s job to take away the Republicans candidate.

    • merchan should be the one jailed not Trump all that judge is worried about he thinks Trump will win the election

    • It was a rigged trial from the start to finish. Merchant may try to jail Trump – but I seriously doubt the Supreme Court will uphold that sentence, or anything of the like. It was a politically motivated, behind doors election interference beyond American history archives. Never before seen such treacherous opposition against a political candidate for President. Judicial corruption at its highest level(s).

    • Yes, BUT he’s a corrupt demonRat and they never do the right thing. NEVER EVER TRUST OR VOTE FOR ANY DEMONRAT!!!

  2. Let’s review – Harris DID not go thru the legal primary election process. She was only on the ballot as Bidens VP. When Biden dropped out she went with him. So the Democrats have an illegal candidate. Harris’ parents were not American Citizens when she was born so she is an “Anchor baby” NOT a Naturalized American Citizen. The MSM has LIED and COVERED for Harris every step of the way. The Democtrats attempted to assassinate Trump make no mistake about that. Now they have a judge aligned to sentence Trump to get him out of the way. Can people not see this is a COUP? The Democrats are STEALING this election and this country. The next war they may start will not be WWIII but the Civil War II. They are pushing this country in that direction. When that happens WE can expect to be attacked from many different countries.

    • Are you people real idiots not to see what is really going on here that is a what wrong with the world today more idiots in court and white house

      • blame not the evil ones for their actions, rather, the coward, that will do nothing to stop them. Amerika is void of men with backbones and gonads. ALL part of the plan. Amerika will burn soon

    • I think you hit the nail on the hammer. This is going to end in blood shed I am afraid. All hell is about to break loose…totally afraid this train is not going to be stopped.

      • I truly believe, the sheeople will not even wake up, as they are being loaded up, into railroad cars, to be shipped out to an interment camp. GOD has blinded their eyes, to the truth & reality

    • Actually there is some thought to the fact that she may not even be ab “Anchor Baby” due to the fact that the ruling creating that status came 3 years after her birth. As for Merchan, the list of conflicts of interest, political antics, and his family profiting from the trial should be cause for dismissal of all charges, disbarment and prosecution for election tampering, judical malpractice a host of profiteering and treason of his actions.

      • The fact that this judge did not excuse himself from this mockery of justice should in and of itself be a crime!

      • Mike W. hit that nail right on it’s head. If Merchan wants a civil war let him ask for it. So Far, he has been asking for war with every decision he’s made.

    • Barrack Hussein OBOZO was Also not legal to run for president as EVERYONE KNOWS he was NOT born in this country. And Guess What? The Corrupt DemocRATS got away with it…not just once, but TWICE!!!!! EVERYTHING about that fraud has been swept under the rug & Republicans had no balls to Fight It!!!!!!!

      • republicans get off your asses and start acting like real men and help president trump not to be in prison fight your the only ones in the republcan party and stop this charade now.if you dont were not ever have a free country again demorats will be running our country forever.so republicand start standin up for president donald j trump. and make sure we have a legitment vote in inour country.

    • You are correct, but I’ve noticed otherwise intelligent people who refuse to understand that Donald Trump is our country’s best hope. These Democrats are hell bent on cheating again in this election as they did in the last election.

      • you are correct, if people want this country to be great again they better listen to MR. TRUMP HE IS OUR ONLY HOPE .WHAT DO THEY THINK GOD KEPT HIM FROM THAT BULLET so he could save us all

    • Out of all the comments on this story yours is the one that hit home for me. Everyone reading this needs to make sure you have at least 3 months worth of food and medications if needed. Sh** is about to hit the fan and it’s going to be worse than you can imagine. God Bless you all!!!!

    • This is a coup in the making. Mike Johnson has done the best he can with the democrats so determined to stop him at every turn. Also Harris in not an American citizen but I’m sure she will come up with a fake birth certificate just like Obama. He may have gone to Harvard just not in this country. America is just getting so communist.

  3. The world is watching the most corrupt judge in U.S. History in the U.S. Judicial System !!! His EVIL is so transparent and he arrogantly shows it !!! He may have some temporary victories with his atrocities , but comes JUDGEMENT DAY the Lord Jesus will rightfully judge him and for all of us to see in the HIGHEST OF COURTS !!! AMEN

    • What makes u think he’s “the most corrupt judge in U.S, History, Sammyboi? Just because ur one of Trump’s cult followers doesn’t make u any smarter than he is, u know (& that’s damn stupid!).

      • Many if you change your diapers more often and wash your stinky butt then when you pull your head out of there and open your eyes and ears without your own fecies packed in there you might see and here the truth.

      • You better do your research on Kamala and Walz. before Nov.5. What News channel are you watching?? They ALL lie to cover up for Harris and Walz!!!

      • When your head is stuck up your backside like it obviously is with your TDS, the stink you smell is still your own poop.

        • Is that the way you always speak? You talk a great deal of scrap without really saying anything.

      • We are not a cult. We are red blooded, mostly blue collar, America loving citizens. We love our country, our freedoms and our rights. We work hard for what we want and don’t look to the government for hand-outs. We rely on no one but ourselves to create our happiness. And we do that by voting for another America loving person. PERIOD!

    • GOD is sovereign, He will hold man responsible for what he has and has not done. GOD hates lawlessness and all the works of evil man

    • i pray that judge sees the light , he knows he is wrong i pray he wakes up and gets punished for what he has done he is the wo
      rk of the devil

  4. Meanwhile the GOP still stands out in the remote field staying safely uninvolved at the behest of their DemoCommie Party Bosses. The Supreme Court is out there somewhere too. Our “brave defenders” are ALL sold out and merely salute their DemoCommie Bosses and obey orders.


    WHERE are our national defenders? You know, the ones who SWORE AN OATH BEFORE GOD to uphold and defend the US Constitution? Remember them?

    The utter EASE at which the Communists pushed through this OBVIOUSLY RIGGED show trial is absolutely astonishing! WHERE ARE TRUMP’S LEGAL DEFENDERS AND THE ALLEGEDLY HONEST MEMBERS OF OUR LEGAL SYSTEM HIDING??????

    The Old Time Communists would stand and applaud all of this! Invent a crime, hold a show trial, declare the accused guilty, pass sentence. Next case, err… victim.

    R.I.P., USA. How EASILY you were destroyed from the inside by your own people!

  5. My guess is that, irrespective of politics, merchan will sentence President Trump to prison. Just think of the bragging rights, the first judge to put a former president in prison. He has shown throughout his sham trial that he cares nothing about the law. If this happens, the Supreme Court must step in immediately and stop this blatant election interference.

  6. We need GOD’s intervention again. Can anyone realize if Kamala were to be elected President and Walz end up as our President? God Help Us All!

  7. True vision of God’s will would be merchan dieing of a stroke or heart attack on or before the morning of sentencing.

    • Yes because the Judge is not subscribing to a fair trial.(he is an evil Democrat) and we know what they are like. Make AMGA vote Trump.

  8. If this fake judge locks up Trump it will be the final straw of election interference. The right will come together and remind the left why the forefathers felt the 2nd amendment ws so important. It was never about hunting mfor food but rather for hunting corrupt politicians! Most law enforcement and National guard will not start to fire at civilians since the rioters willl be their parents and grandparents> The far left doesnt understand their actions are TREASON!!!!!! AAlthough I dont own a firearm, most of the right do!!!!

  9. Trump should quit giving Kamala all the free publicity by talking about her when she doesn’t even talk about herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • insuring the presidebtial position, like Iran, north korea and other communist countries, appointing the potential President no public votes, then a judge from a kangroo court locking up the other candidate, just where could our nation be headed except towards a communism or islamic nation

  10. If he does put Trump in prison, once he is elected, then the judge should be arrested because of how corrupt he was & lose his law license.

  11. if he does this I doubt he will live out the Week, he and his entire family will be History. there are far to many Pissed off Patriots in America to let this happen.

  12. If merchan puts Trump in jail, I have a feeling merchan will be a target if you know what I mean. He is so full of hate and evil that he really doesn’t belong on this earth. Voters won’t stand for this. Then Civil War.

  13. Merchan ought to be disbarred for election interference. No matter what the decision, Trump has my vote and will likely gain even more votes after the sentencing. MAGA

  14. harris needs to leave our country go back to where she came from . she is of no good use here she needs to learn a big hard lesson amen

  15. Does that judge know how many supporters Trump has. He would live in hell until he died if he did such a thing No one would do a thing to him but if he thinks like the corrupt judge he is, he wil think like they think.

  16. no doubt the Supreme Court would step in to prevent a constitutional crisis as this is a political hit job with more to be revealed with obamachaulk

  17. That Merchan judge character is listening to the present administration and some of the others that I won’t name who are simply jealous of President Trump. They have nothing with which to go after Trump except Joe’s fabricated lies…because of the “Laptop from Hell”…that’s it in a nutshell!!! I also wonder about the two assination attempts!!!

  18. Speaking of corrupt demonrats who should be in jail, when is Biden’s (laptop) son going to be tried? Who is running his trial? More delays and corruption from Biden!

  19. Investigate , prosecute, justify all Biden’s, poloski, Schumer, Shift,waters,Elizabeth( ,and all others

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