A popular comedian warned Democrats are doomed to defeat for one reason

The Democrat Party is hunting for a path out of the wilderness. Democrats got a piece of advice from a surprising source. And a popular comedian warned Democrats are doomed to defeat for one reason. [...]


  1. Democrats first have to come down off their high horses and realize their policies are all shiiite when actually looked at by most voters… Trump merely had to point them out… explain them if need be… mention what he would do better… Democrats have NO “BETTER” !!! And no leaders without closets full of skeletons…

    • Andrew Schulz hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, there still are millions of people that adhere to the Democrats voice. Total sham! Love that Joe Rogan. I put him on a pedestal! Fair for all!

  2. Plato said, “Ignorance is the root and stem of all evil.” Unfortunately, most democrats are ignorant. Not just ignorant, totally ignorant. You can’t deal rationally with someone who is irrational. You can’t deal logically with someone who is illogical. So there we have it. But fortunately, most people are waking up with free speech and truthful educational curriculums.

  3. The reason that DEMOCRATS DO NOT like President Trump is that 1. He is not a damb-do-crat; 2. HE does NOT agree with them or their “principals or practices”; and 3. He has the boldness to be open and public about it.
    Since he is the President of the United States, they cannot control what he thinks or says which irritates them because they have gotten used to propagating their “beliefs and practices” with no resistance from the press or the past administration.

  4. Chuck Schumer is the devil in disguise!! He should be placed in front of of a firing squad asap!!!!

  5. Democrats are essentially just stubbornly stupid. If a dumb, stubborn mule could do nothing other than beat a dead horse, that’s what they’d do.

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