A shocking Jill Biden video left everyone asking one major question

Democrats want Americans to forget that Joe and Jill Biden are still in the White House. There is a good reason for that. And a shocking Jill Biden video left everyone asking one major question. [...]


  1. When did America make a ruling that the wife of a president of the U.S. has the authority to attend and direct a meeting of the president’s Cabinet? This is wrong, any way you slice it! If a Republican president’s wife did this, the liberal media would be all over it…but we Americans hear nothing of this wrongdoing from them!!!

    • We certainly don’t want Jokementia leaving and KamalToe then going by “president”… The only thing keeping Jokementia in there now is the Cat Fight For POWER between ‘Scarlett O’Hara’ Jill and KamalToe… Currently, Great America is Gone with the Wind… we need Trump to bring it back… and maybe John Kennedy to keep it going…

    • You so right why has not the RepublicAns not called that out.?
      Are they waiting on somebody. Else to bring it up? Don’t be so correct. Go and get them.

    • I guess if Democrats think they can just pick a Presidential candidate without an actual election. They must think this is ok also. You don’t here of many Republicans saying or doing anything to stop it.

    • This is why the unconvinced, haters, demoRats, undecided and independents, Need to stop being the MSM’S PUPPETS!! They will continue to use their whacked out rhetoric to keep all of these people hating, angry and blind to the fact that their so called news is never valid !! Defaming someone has consequences as Trump can bring legally !! Once all of these fake ass legal situations are removed, There won’t be enough money in the world to compensate President Trump or his Family !! NOT ENOUGH !!!

  2. That is probably what a takeover will look like to us soon if President Trump isn’t elected. So, so easy. Same as when the government ordered us to stay in our houses when Covid made it’s entrance. And everyone stayed in their houses. So, so easy. No questions, just obedience.

      • Trump wanted to give her more rope to hang herself! If the Republicans want to win they need to watch the polls to be sure the dirty dems. don’t let the illegals vote!
        I read where The idiot mayor of NYC said the illegals could vote if they had a drivers liscense so he gave them all D.L. THIS IS WRONG AND THE SUPREME CT. SHOULD MAKE THIS ILLEGAL!!

    • I think another such attempt would meet with great resistance; a valuable lesson was learned by the inmates and the jailers last time. I think we would not relinquish so quietly the next time.

    • All due to the MSM and the Biden / Harris and admin being “Fearmongers”!! They kept people inside in fear of catching it as once again, they report all or anything bad and put fear of anticipation on when or if you will catch COVID.
      I did and it didn’t even feel like I had a cold. And I have c.o.p.d. !! It was the FEAR that helped me loose my business due to ANTICIPATION AND FEAR !!

      • F’ing Fouci should be put in prison for life for lying to the American people about the “jab” when he made himself a millionaire 10 times over for his lies!!

  3. Nancy Reagan did it for Ronald in the last few months. It’s the same thing. No need to invoke 25th amendment. I certainly don’t want KH running this country ever.

  4. Leave him in place; a removal elevates Kommie Kamala providing an apparent approval by someone. Democrats seem to believe they can shape the rules to suit themselves. More proof that we need all democrats gone from elected offices.. at all levels.

    • Yes, we don’t want Jokementia leaving and KamalToe then going by “president”… The only thing keeping Jokementia in there now is the Cat Fight For POWER between ‘Scarlett O’Hara’ Jill and KamalToe…

    • Agree, 100%. The entire democrat party is corrupt to the core, they are enemies of the state and need to face some sort of tribunal for not upholding their number one duty in the oath of office, which is to protect our country and it’s citizens. And that’s just the beginning of their crimes, against America, as well as humanity at large.

    • We need professional politicians gone from government period. It’s ridiculous to have to have 100’s of millions of dollars in order to run for elected office. The job was supposed to be reachable by the average citizens and not meant to be a career. The money also makes it easier for the wealthy and corporations to extract favors for donations instead of working for the people as intended.

    • No way, we don’t want Jokementia leaving and KamalToe then going by “president”… The only thing keeping Jokementia in there now is the Cat Fight For POWER between ‘Scarlett O’Hara’ Jill and KamalToe…

      • You really think k Jill is any better than Kamala. They are both very capable of lying, craving power and running thos country further into the ground.

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