A top Democrat threw Joe Biden under the bus in this humiliating fashion

Democrats have no more use for Joe Biden. The party would prefer if Americans just forgot he even existed. And now a top Democrat threw Joe Biden under the bus in this humiliating fashion. Democrats [...]


  1. If folks were at all informed, they would realize the “comedian” was referring to the fact that PR is an island who has little space for landfills, disposition of trash and are having a true crisis from their own garbage, asking for help from us. Burning it, polluting the air, etc. Read the NEWS, folks, and maybe not be so insulted when a joke is made about a fact. The clown was wrong in his using this joke, but we should be aware of issues outside our borders. BIden obviously has NO clue, but what else is new? He is a declining puppet hack, senile embarrassment to the country

    • It come to mind every time a cultural is talk about the MEDIA AND DEMOCRAT PARTY twisted the words to make it sound like a bad joke! Don’t it happen everyday in all cultural? There always someone telling a JOKE ABOUT ANOTHER! FOLKS GET A LIFE! WORDS HURT! BUT THE ECONOMY IS HURTING WORST UNDER THESE DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN!

  2. First it was DEPLORABLES by Hillary Clinton and now GARBAGE by Bidem and I am sure that both are the MANTRA OF ALL DEMOCRATS and their PROPAGANDA MACHYNES, THE MANSTREAM MEDIA!

    • Let not forget it was PR governor ( democrats) who stolen the the AIDS FOR THE ISLAND AFTER A HURRICANE HIT WHEN TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT! Then when on TV and claim there was no PLANE OF SUPPLY FROM AMERICA!

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