A top Democrat’s career is over after this shocking video surfaced
The Democrat Party is in complete disarray. A rising star just flamed out. And a top Democrat’s career is over after this shocking video surfaced. Wildfires burned thousands of acres in Los Angeles County to [...]
She should be fired before she can resign! What else can you expect for the liberals in California? Nuff said!!!!
Gavin Newsom should also be fired he approved what she did and he is guilty of several other reasons to be fired,but that’s not going to stop the woke behavior I pray this gets resolved and more people don’t loose their homes
Judging by the time stamps, it appears this site is based in the UK or thereabouts. ???
She probably thinks because she is black, that no one can touch her! Guess again lady.
She should be fired. To let her resign is too lenient
This mayor and governor both need to be fired, and both lose any pension benefits, all to be given to the citizens who trusted them, and expected to be protected. When will there be consequences for these leaders that will not lead nor work for the people. Her trip to Africa, needs to come out of her pocket.IMO
Your right!!
You’re right Rosanne! Both The Mayor and the governor are incompetant Left wing radicals. Unfortunately, The Democrats are like a cult; They will fall, but probably land on a pillow…
Across the board we have seen Democrat elections and department assignments, national, blue city and state to be overrun with inexperience, incompetence, raw evil and proven criminals. That hasn’t worked out well. Time for the principled adults to take govern now that the fun is over.
needs to be fired.no water in the hydrats? you have to be kidding. its time to be fired mayor and governor and who else was involved.
I wonder if her house burned to the ground.
Both the gov and the mayor need to go. Then have all displaced persons go to their homes (gov and mayor) to stay until they have the insurance settlements and legal proceeding finished. Just like I think all the illegals should have gone to Biden’s and Harris’s places to live.
Newcum should resign also. The people of Cunfornia should demand his resignation along with stinky Bass
Fired Hell, They need to be in Prison
If they can Lie, Cheat and Steal elections, they can Lie, Cheat and Steal recalls. Maxine waters says live on TV, “You go out and you Lie, You Cheat, You Steal those votes. Hehehe A democratic Congresswoman who needs to be tried for Treason, as well as the rest of corrupt Democratic elites