A top Republican lowered the boom on Chuck Schumer for this sick act of betrayal

Democrats got a wake-up call from voters with the results on Election Day.  The party is doing its best to avoid learning the lessons of 2024.  And a top Republican lowered the boom on Chuck [...]


    • Uh… being here illegally is already a CRIME! Or used to be… now you have to commit a 2nd crime… or more… or more… or more… kill somebody…

      • Deport all illegals. We should vote out sanctuary cities. Follow the will of the people. Political motives from the Democrats transparent and ugly.

      • I agree 100% they already broke the laws. And I say send them to Mexico that’s the country they entered from and make them March all the way to the border might deter others from coming.

    • I agree with Senator Moreno. Schumer is a major player in manipulating Biden’s policies. Democrats voting against the Laken Riley bill are the worst and most harmful to America. Vote them out. They are not working for us as they should .

    • That change crying Chuck from being a a$$hole and start working on behalf of the people. They all go in saying they are only there on behalf of the people. But it turns out they are there to fill there pockets and work for their biases.

  1. Chuck Schumer should already been arrested after his threatening the Supreme Court judges! He and other democrats politicians has show they DON’T CARE ABOUT AMERICAN PEOPLE! Time to remove them from office. Every STATE should vote for a RECALL ON THESE DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS

  2. You know we thought they’d learn after getting shalacked when we all voted for Trump. But they’re flipping nuts and can’t learn apparently cause they keep making stupid mistakes. We’ll just have to do again this year when we vote every last one out of office we’re awake

  3. More than that. If an illegal immigrant kills anybody and is found guilty we should have capital punishment for the crime. Put them down. They are no different than a wild animal. Any crime lesser than murder, like rape, or child perversion then they should be given a sentence of 50 years and then deported. Put them in the toughest prisons we have so they can be punished for their crimes. What gives them the right to come into our country illegally and set up gangs and rob and loot. We have enough American gangs in our country. We don’t need no outsiders coming in to commit crimes.

  4. Why is this a point of discussion at all? WHY were known criminals from other nations who were DELIBERATELY sent here by those nations even allowed in in the first place?


    Because DEMOCRAT/COMMUNISTS are using them to disrupt, destabilize and weaken the nation making a hostile Communist take-over much easier. THAT IS WHY!!

    And they’ve been doing things like that since the 1960s!!! WHERE ARE OUR DEFENDERS HIDING??? And when an ordinary citizen stands up to them they’re likely to be prosecuted by our own government for doing so!!


  5. I can’t believe the Question!! Should people here illegally (in other words having committed a crime coming here) be deported if they commit a crime? Really? Every illegal alien has COMMITTED a crime! Coming here “illegally” is a criminal act. Every single illegal border crosser needs to be deported, regardless of how long they’ve been here. Also, any who came here LEGALLY on a VISA and then remained after the Visa lapsed, ALSO committed a crime and should be deported.
    ANY individual deported for ANY reason should NEVER be allowed back into the country under ANY circumstances.
    We don’t need people here whose first act coming here is committing a crime.

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