ABC News rigged the debate against Donald Trump in the worst way ever

The debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris flew off the rails. He wasn’t just jousting with the Democrat Presidential candidate. And ABC News rigged the debate against Donald Trump in the worst way ever. [...]


  1. Trump has been around long enough to know these moderators are going to pose questions favorable to the libs and he, trying to circumvent them, didn’t put himself in a positive light. I don’t blame him one bit for refusing another debate. We need to get THE DONALD’S ego slowed down.

  2. Well when a dummy like Kammy knows all the answers and is allowed to expound the memorized answers then yes it is fixed. Normal talk or babble for her is disconnected and that infamous word salad. Guess ABC does not know it’s abc’s and fairness in anything let alone TRUTH. Trump did win and he just knew the subjects and did a great job of returning Dummy Kammy’s jabs! And we the viewers knew she was coached on the whole debate!

    • What is a debate? A debate is two sides expressing their opinion on a subject or question. It has three parties involved. First are the parties that are debaters (Harris & Trump). Second is the moderator, there ONLY job is to ask questions and keep control of time! Third are the judges, (the audience) they are the sole judge of the debaters! Not the moderators !

  3. The moderators should not have been fact checking. That was totally wrong for them to do. I don’t Trump and Harris lied on every point. They should not have done that. When I was in college I was a moderator and you just don’t do that during a debate.

  4. Trump allowed himself to believe that this would be a proper debate, with Harris being his opponent. It was not a debate in any sense of the word; it was a well-planned, coordinated ambush. ABC announced at the beginning that neither candidate had been given the questions in advance; I wonder if, given the seamless handoffs between the moderators and Harris. As I said, they ambushed him.

    • Trump has did more than any other president elect to answer questions. He never took a penny as president.
      He owes no one anymore.
      No man in history has been done so dirty by his own country and still he tries.
      Its just sad. That evil seems to win out. Make me sick.

      • I totally agree with you. They haven’t stopped badgering him since he first said he was running for president the first time and they haven’t stopped since. They don’t like the fact that he owes nobody any favors and he’s upsetting their apple cart. I don’t know how so many people can’t see what direction this administration is pointing our country and it’s not in the best interest of this country. The media is no longer impartial as they are suppose to be and neither are famous people who give their political views even though nobody is interested in their personal views except the young kids that want to follow the crowd.

        • I only think Trump should do another debate if it’s on Fox News! They will be fair to both sides!

      • Amen sister….. He is absolutely one of the strongest willed individuals to ever live. One of many many many lies that PISSES me off the most coming from the evil cult DemonRats is when they say he’s in it for his own self interest. He has sacrificed a lot!!! Bless him Lord !!!!

  5. Debate again? WHY? They’ll just rig it against him again.

    The Democrat/Communists cannot win honestly! They rig debates, rig the news, and RIG ELECTIONS! If Democrats were forbidden to LIE they’d be utterly MUTE!

    We MUST take legal control over our country and stop the Communist indoctrination of our young in our schools, the one-sided utterly dishonest dissemination of LIES by our so-called news media, the absolutely RIGGED elections that now rule our voting booths, and the COMMUNIST control of our system of law and government.


  6. It is FOOLISH to think debates held by any MAINSTREAM MEDIA would be unbiased. All are THE PROPAGANDA MACHINES for the DEMOCRATS, LIBERALS< LEFTISTS, and their ilk. This has happened and recently when Hillary was running when she was furnished the questions by Donna Brazile a higher up member of the Democratic party.

  7. All of these comments are absolutely correct. I believe he should debate again in a fair unbiased setting where questions are fact finding. In this way her platform will be made public and she won’t be able to elude direct questions nor will she be able to lie without being called out.

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