Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went off the rails over this massive defeat

The 119th Congress is off to a bad start for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Democrat Party. It’s shaping up to be a long two years for the Left. And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went off the rails [...]


  1. I would like to know what SCHOOL SHE HAS ATTENDED AND GRADUATED FROM! We should not be giving any money to that SCHOOL AND OR COLLEGE she has no common sense at all and her TDD NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT BY A PSYCHIATRIST ASAP!!!!

    • You make perfect sense although the far left is not blinded to Cortez actions, they are blinded from the truth.

      • I think AOC would be against anything Trump did. Make a ‘third’ division for trans athletes, leave the women alone.

        • You are right. You could say Trump is for everything the Dems want & she would be against that. She really needs to go away. I cannot believe her constituents keep voting her back in.

        • AOC is simply out of her mind and her opposition to Trump’s all policies makes her a blind and crazy person turned against the natural truth and humanity ! She can raise her voice over everybody but her voice sounds only noisy and out of reality ! Good politics needs to be cleaned of senseless leftist ideas !!

    • Perhaps she has already forgotten what it was like being a bar tender at low wages as she accumulates her millons of dollars already. How does she do that on a House Representative salary?

      • She thinks when she says jump everybody should say How HIGh! Not today bimbo! Not any day! She needs to be removed She is going to fight everything Trump does because there all big time butt hurt because they didn’t get there way. She has lost the respect of alot of people+

    • She went to Boston University. I owned a business in Beantown and was unfortunately familiar with BU students. I would consider her an average BU student. Her best subject was learning how to make drinks at a bar.

    • The sad part is, the people living in her district are just as looney for voting for her
      456 again and again!

  2. Her, and the rest of her squad need to be in prison. They’re the most
    ANTI-Americans in D.C. They’re connected to George Soros and his money
    and will do anything he wants. There’s others in D.C. just like them
    who need to be out. (Did she ever go to colletge? She didnt’ need to
    have a “degree” to be a “bar-tender”, (the last I heard).

  3. hopefully yhe shifting tide showing by trup in ecection resul of bronk and queens her districts may reult in her reelection loss.

    • The Democrats should be careful.
      She will be the downfall of their party.
      Most people have had enough of the woke policies

      • AOC and her whole squad are totally Anti American.
        They are nothing but traitors. They have no feeling of love
        for the United States ot America.
        They need to held accountable for all the harm they’ve caused.
        They needed to be tried for treason and pay the price. They are TOXIC!!!!!!

        • So very true! Pity they can’t be sent to some 3rd world country for a year. Bet they would come back with a different attitude.

        • She should be tried as an anti American! And it just goes to show how ignorant the people in her district they should be ashamed of themselves

  4. Has anyone checked her citizenship or is she from Puerto Rico if she is from there is she legal to be eligible to hold office in the United States?

    • Unfortunately yes she is legal to be here, Puerto Rico is part of the USA, not a State yet but still part of the USA. and yes she is still one of the Biggest IDIOTS in Politics, she was # 1 until Kameltoe Harris showed us how Ignorant she is so now She is #1 Idiot in the USA.

    • Born in New York in the Bronx. moved to Yorktown High Boston university Interned with Ted Kennedy, Bernie Sanders,

  5. No male should ever play on a girls team. I don’t care if he thinks that he’s a monkey. A male is a male and there is no changing that. I wouldn’t want any male in the locker room of my daughter or granddaughter. Or bathroom. Any guy who thinks he’s a woman is just a fool. Most of them couldn’t make it on a male team so they are just gaming the system.

  6. And for AOC to think otherwise, she either failed biology class or she didn’t go to school. Maybe her fiancé isn’t a man if she doesn’t know the difference.

  7. Obviously Cortez has forgotten who she represents. She works for the people and it should be clear the people don’t want this woke garbage! She needs to go!


  9. Every male is equipped with far longer arm lengths than any woman born as a female and also, their musculature strength is far greater than any woman’s. At my work if it’s too hard for me, a woman, I ask some of the men to give me assistance as I know everyone of them is stronger than I ever could possible be.
    I have no idea why AOC cannot get it into her head that males and females are not equals in strengths…EVER, and never should they be on the exact same teams sports wise or pitted against each other.

    • Man has a punishment and balls and women have a virgina so simple for those that can’t define what a woman and a man is

  10. I think she drank too many of the drinks that she messed up and couldn’t serve them to the customers. I know because I messed up a few in my past.

  11. AOC is a total idiot! If she is so big on males playing in women’s sports, being in female locker rooms and bathrooms, perhaps SHE should have to play against them. After being mowed down by a “ pretend” female, she may change her stupid mind. Can she get any more ignorant? Give her time, she will.

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