All hell broke loose when Trump found out these Republicans are rooting for him to lose

Donald Trump couldn’t believe it. He’s still facing saboteurs in his midst. And all hell broke loose when Trump found out these Republicans are rooting for him to lose. Establishment RINOs still working against Trump [...]


    • The word is the ‘estab. GOP’ like McConnell, etc. are HEAVILY INVESTED in the ‘War Machine’ (armament production), and THAT’s WHY THEY WANT the U.S. to be constantly engaged in wars around the world – the $$$$$$$ they get from selling ‘arms’. If we END WARS, there is nobody buying them, and no money coming into their pockets. It’s that simple. And Evil. Because the flipside of that argument is that Men and Women LOSE THEIR LIVES in all Wars!!! needlessly. Just so these guys can become RICH??? It’s EVIL. And the OTHER SIDE of that cabal is ‘investing in China’ that for some reason is intriguing to some Traitors! and the ‘Global Agenda’ with China controlling the world seems OK to them, too! Same people. Same Traitors doing Both – to US, the People. As for War, they don’t have to worry, because their sons and daughters are not going into any Armed Forces! No, they’re majoring in Political Science instead, to carry on the Family Tradition of ‘no work/lots of $$$’. It’s all just a Game to some people!

      • How! How! How! Can any Veteran, or responsible thinking American back Mitch McConnel and his wife with ties to The Chinese government, and Kamala who’s father is a Communist and she was not born in the USA negating her legitimacy to run, and Tim Walz who is a pathological liar and a disgrace to the US Military uniform and even his family speaks out harshly about him.

        • mitch mcconnell and his wife are a disgrace to want president trump to lose. this man mcconnelshould retire and get the hell out of the republican party now and who other republucan doesnt want trump to win. is a dam disgrace to them and the republican party. liz cheney and her disgraced father need to be voted out of the e republican party.

        • Yes I can’t believe people vote for cominist party. Listen good to them . We can’t say this or that, is that freedom of speech? THINK NOT.

        • To start I have a grandson who travels to China as a construction engineer. I say do not believe everything you hear about Americans and China relations. To add as a veteran I would never vote for Trump. Many of my veteran friends feel the same. Trump using facts Trump has and is destroying our country. How can a person as Trump be our President? A person who is proven to lie when he speaks.

        • All of them in Washington, especially the Democrats should be imprisoned for life, and Soros taken to the gallows along with Biden, hunter, pelosi Schiff Schumer, and all hung one by one. I’m a Vietnam veteran and am so ashamed of what Biden and his bunch of thieves and traders have done to this country it’s treasonous along with a lot of members of the Republican party too that are anti-trump they’re all traders..

    • All you have to do is an internet search of net worth for our honest and trust worthy Congressmen and Senators trust me when I say that’s not coming from there salaries alone. There’s big $$$$$$ in war

      • Yep!! Those supporting this ridiculous RINO opinion have just labeled themselves investors in these anti-US policies. They need to all be audited to see where they are making their money. I will almost guarantee most is from crimes against humanity. They panic when their money source is threatened.

    • Trump is the best for America We need to put the 10 Camandments back on the wall directly below the American flag at the righthand side of the chockborde in every classroom in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 NOW to MAKE AMERICA GREAT 👍 AGINE TRUMP IS THE MAN

      • i agree with you richard. there going after our greatest president we had once andnow again.president donald j trump in 2025these lousy persons trying to go after president trump are joe biden demorat partyand more. there not going to win even this case in new york is a joke and that judge merchurn should be investagated alsoto investagate is alvin bragg letita james and jack. in vestagate this merchrun he is another weaste in our country mayb even corrupt. they just want to get rid of trumpbecause these lawyers and judges are all corrupt demorats.trump will be our next president in 2025 he will go after all these corrupt politicans in new york and jail them promto. trump in 2025

    • hay berry, well, put on your military uniform and go fight forever and I hope you get killed fighting for your, you said you wanted it that way.I guess you like people dieing . you know it must be nice to have a brain. I have been in war and it’s not much fun at all .I was lucky, I came back in one piece.I was in the army and the navy.the assholes in washington seem to think that staying in war is the right thing to do. It’s really ashame to have a warand kill people just to make money.

  1. For WHATEVER the reason, the inside powers of the GOP support the establishment of COMMUNISM in the United States. They’ve been materially assisting the Democrat/Communists for decades now. They vote WITH and help FUND the Democrat Agenda.

    • make a list, publish it online. The real Amerikans, that want the republic restored, will take care of the rest. I HAVE A DREAM

      • It makes sense its just a bunch of Rhinos that have always been there to disrupt this country and lean to the left but still call themselves Repubilicans!

        • You have to respect people who have been around Trump, and knows him to speak out the kind of person he is. A con man and a crook. He is a dead beat not paying his bills. Cities when he brings his comedy show to their city get stuck having to pay the great losses to their city. FACT CHECK IT.

      • Best advise spoken. We the people are keep in a wood shed like mushrooms. Stop being afraid to call out the rotten two face traitors no matter their party. A bad apple is a bad apple. Tell us so we can assist them with being unemployed.

        • those republican that hate trump and want him out are mcconnell chenys and othere are nothing but corrupt denmorats vote these bastared out for good. we dont need people like them to support corrupt them out when there time comes up.there the ones that are corruppting our country.there nothing but a disgrace to republican party and our country.trump will win in 2024 like it or not. and when he does throw these loser face father and daughter out of the republican party.

    • We call them ‘inside powers of the GOP’ RINOs. They are Traitors to the GOP and to The People who vote them in!!! They are like Palestinian Israeli citizens – they root AGAINST the territory of their citizenship! because they really HATE the entity that they are ‘citizens’ of. But don’t tell anyone… we know they’re Dems in disguise.

    • True ! I pray that Trump walks away from the GOP – America needs – desperately needs a 3rd Party and no better time for him to drop the GOP and give the voters a real choice in the future.

    • those republican that hate trump and want him out are mcconnell chenys and othere are nothing but corrupt denmorats vote these bastared out for good. we dont need people like them to support corrupt them out when there time comes up.there the ones that are corruppting our country.there nothing but a disgrace to republican party and our country.trump will win in 2024 like it or not. and when he does throw these loser face father and daughter out of the republican party.

  2. The Ukraine war is the biggest money laundering scheme ever perpetrated by the Democrats and RINOS. It’s all part of the GLOBALIST AGENDA for a One World Government. The depopulation agenda 2030 by the WEF. WHILE THE WORLD IS SO ENTRENCHED WITH SELFISHNESS AND CHAOS, (ALSO PLANNED BY GLOBALIST FREAKS). The next PANDEMIC DEATH MARCH is on the threshold while we remain self consumed and oblivious. It would seem that only the return of CHRIST will save the world from the EVIL THAT HAS MANIFESTED OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS.

  3. It’s hard to believe the RINOs want the Kamunism! I thought our concern is the uneducated, uninformed voters; not the GOP elite!

    • THAT we already KNEW. What’s HARD about this Article is that it makes us ‘THINK’ that a MAJORITY of the GOP HATES TRUMP, his/our Policies, and his Plans for America’s Future!!! (which is productivity and manufacturing, wealth, peace, higher education, fewer abortions/no late-term abortions/no more infanticide, return to Sanity, return to Science in the Health Industry, return to our Constitutional liberty and freedoms, return to Law and Justice in our Courts and on our streets, return to lower oil prices and more jobs, return to food production full capacity, return to low inflation, return to the production of oil and new refineries, repaired infrastructure, and protection from AI abuses and censorship of shared information, and return to the US being foremost in the world on every level! while at the same time assisting other nations with their own development for their people, and a total control over our Borders from foreign invaders and criminals (all things Trump already DID before!) And THAT is the disturbing part of this Article – that we have GOP members who would work AGAINST Trump implementing those much-needed things AGAIN in his next term! We HAVE to VOTE THEM OUT OF OUR GOVT. if we ever want our Nation to get back on Good Footing again! and quit letting the World boss us around! We are America! And we LOVE Israel!

      • I agree with you 1000% . I just can’t understand that If hate, killing,not american , destroy AMERICA, any devil controlled, any anti good, any anti right, people will run to it and enbrace it and NOT use their GOD given brain to do the right thing.well,I guess I should know the answer to this (the bible) says things are not going to get better.

  4. The trouble with conservatives is they are never happy, they choose a leader and the infighting begins. If they don’t like what the party picks they should change to parties, be an independent or a democrat. Stop lying to their constituents.

    • You are flat WRONG. It’s NOT the ‘conservatives’ causing the problems. It’s the RINOs who misrepresented ‘who they are’ to The People who voted for them. It’s the RINOs who don’t agree with the stated GOP Platform!!! and work AGAINST IT! The ‘infighting’ is because real GOPers are TIRED of being pushed around by Lib imposters who have a WOKE agenda they want to push – when The People don’t want WOKE in OUR Politics! If YOU don’t like Conservatives in the GOP, YOU should go to the party that supports YOUR agenda items – not think Conservatives have to bend over backwards for YOU. YOU’re the ones lying to GOP constituents – when YOU don’t follow the GOP Platform of Ideals.

  5. ” establishment Republicans ” aka DEEP STATE swamp creatures. It’s now wonder they want Trump to lose because that would mean they would have to disconnect from the money teat that is the administrative state.

    • the cheneys and the mcconnell need to go. vote these witches out of the republican party.we want donald j trump to become our president again. he was the greatest president we had and dam we will have win again in that cheneys and mcconnells.your nothing but a disagrace to the republicans and our beautiful country. go join the illegal demorats. you people are not good enough to be a republican or for president donald j trump.

  6. If anyone needs to go to the proverbial “19th hole”, It’s the old, useless, worthless Pet Rocks such as McConnell, Graham, & most any other senator or representative serving more than 12 years – With the exception of Rand Paul… The founding fathers in their infinite wisdom envisioned a citizen legislature – Sadly we’ve fallen far far away from that!! God bless & someday save our precious representative republic!

  7. To all rinos, please stand out so we can vote you out. Warmongers get the hell out like Kari Lake said. McCain and his buddies need to get out of the government and the bureaus full of them need to prepare for retirement of looking for new jobs. This is notice from the voters of today sick of these endless wars killing our children and causing harm in so many other ways.

    This is the culture Eisenhower warned about at the end of WWII. If you can get a real history book you can read what he warned the USA about. The war machines are definitely doing well with the warmongers STILL.

    • If Eisenhower were alive today he would be standing with those Republicans opposed to Trump. He would not be standing with Trump supporters with Confederate flags in the back of their pickups. I know because I involved in his run for President in 1956.

      He would also be beside those in the fight against the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Putin, a despot, has transformed Russia into a fascist state, where he murders and suppresses opposition. He controls the media. He glorifies a mythic past, one in which he sees himself alongside the great Russian despots like Peter the Great. The Crimea was Putin’s Sudetenland, and the Ukraine his Czechoslovakia. We have the same responsibility to preserve the democracy in the Ukraine that we did for Great Britain in 1939. And Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander for the fight against the Fascists in WWII.

      • You’re so wrong about Eisenhower! Just because some idiots with Confederate flags on their trucks vote for someone, doesn’t mean that ‘someone’ is ONE OF THEM! or even LIKES them! It just means they like HIM – and what sane person doesn’t?! love Trump and his great Love for America! (which is why Dems HATE him!) I knew Eisenhower, too. And my Dad was under his command in WWII. Trump is a Military man, like Eisenhower! They would have understood each other perfectly! And Eisenhower would NOT be ‘beside those…in Ukraine’. He would have called in NATO, that he helped to create JUST FOR THAT PURPOSE. Where IS NATO??? It’s too afraid to do anything! even though Russia is threatening all of the EU right now! which NATO was created to PROTECT! WE DON’T have a ‘responsibility to preserve the democracy in Ukraine’ – NATO DOES! And we would align with NATO if NATO would just get involved! There WAS NO NATO in 1939, and we saw Hitler as a ‘threat’ to the entire World. Why should JUST AMERICA help Ukraine, while the rest of the world just sits back on its laurels and does NOTHING TO HELP!? Same with Iran. Nothing from the rest of the World – just Israel is supposed to ‘fend them off’ who are trying to annihilate tiny Israel! You’re all mixed up. When Trump was in Power, there were NO WARS STARTED! Think of that! AND he had arranged a ‘segmented withdrawal’ from Afghan. Then Biden came in and EVERYTHING went sour under this weak admin. And NOW there are Wars going on ALL OVER the World! after only less then 4 yrs. of Dem control that is non-control. Eisenhower would be rolling over in his grave if he could see what’s been going on since Dems took over again!!! And he would be voting Trump in Nov.! I wish he and Reagan were here to Vote and tell the World! Instead we have the Dems pulling another ‘fake emergency’ that ‘the Russians are coming! trying to ruin our Election again! (which was their Lie before…) so they then pin it on Trump and say (again!) that Putin and Trump are BFFs. just to try to steal another election from Trump! So you just outed yourself as a co-conspirator with Dems. If you really loved Eisenhower so much, then you should really love Trump, too!!! My Dad would.

        • you are right on.they hate president donald j trump these corrupt demorats.its a disgrace in our country that our leader joe biden is still in charge doesnt know a dam thing but was told to hate trump.biden should be in jail for just open boaders. our country wasnt safe with all these illegals in our country killed our children rape them and more. this was under joe bidenand his crorupt demotat rat party.trump is the greatest president we had and will have againso america stand up to our next president donald j trump we need him now more than anything.

  8. RINOs are a self-serving lot that could give a _rap about USA as a whole; it’s whatever best pads their bottom-line that rules their policy choices!

  9. What the RINOs are really afraid of is being voted out of office by pariotic, conserveative, non-deepstate Republicans. Ones kind of like Trump.

  10. Helping put Kamala in the White House is the worst thing any of us can do. She will ruin our failing economy faster that Biden has. If you are short on cash now you must consider her plans to raise taxes on everyone regardless of your income, I don’t think it’s a good plan to let Russia take over the Ukrain, it’s just the first step in allowing Putin to reconfigure Estern Europe.

    • Don’t believe the lying legacy media regime on Putin’s intentions. ALL he wanted was the warm-water port in Donbas, period. He does NOT want to conquer Eastern Europe. Let’s get this fact straight first. OK? OK! Next, Article V Convention of States is a stop-gap measure the founding fathers made available in case these career politicians go rogue and get a wild hairris up their arses and start having delusions of grandeur as totalitarian dictators like Justin Trudeau who siphoned those truckers’ bank accounts. Digital Currency, YIPPIE!

    • and you know who they are. guess its the mcconnells and the chenys. its not just trump is getting in there way.its they cant stand being a republicanits a dam shame how corrupt these familys are because they hate trump? he was a great president and will be a great president in 2024.again.

  11. It’s really time to get rid of these America’s destroying asshole Rinos. They are democrats destroying our country they need to be branded as corrupt democrats. Vote or impeach them out we need strong Americans to stand with Trump or our country is finished for ever. This is our country start kicking some ass.

  12. The establishment has totally forgotten why our Government was set up like it is and why it gives the power to the people. The Founders knew that we would face the same problems as other Countries and tried to stop the elites, the powerful and the corrupt from destroying our new Nation. Well, “we the people” have let America down. Greed, the thirst for power and self-inflicted ignorance has created this very damaging trend. Trump maybe our only/final attempt to take our Nation back or WWIII will happen on our own soil

  13. Remember back when Trump tried yo build a border wall and defend our national border AND INTEGRITY? Remember the so-called Never Trump “Republicans” that fought him at every step of the way?

    The United States is being destroyed from the inside by its own foolish, ignorant STUPID people and the Repugnantcan Party RINOs are helping.

    All one needs do to see who they are is PAY ATTENTION to what they say and how they vote! How many (R)s voted with the (D)s on costly destructive spending matters, ludicrous foreign policy, Constitutional RIGHTS AND BORDER ISSUES??

    PAY ATTENTION! They aren’t invisible.

    • Amen! Without God we can accomplish nothing. God is the reason America is (was) great. When we as a country said NO GOD that is when we started losing America. When evil dems & RINOS out number those that love America, that is when America is finished. SAD TO SAY WE ARE THERE! ONLY ALMIGHTY GOD CAN HELP AMERICA!
      JOHN 3:16-18 READ & BELIEVE

  14. One of the first things Trump needs to do is ger rid of the Democrats holding office as Republicans they do just as much damage as the insane communist Democrats if not more they have totally wasted the so called majority they have in the house how can you have a majority when key positions are held by imposter Democrats like McConnell and Johnson are making deals behind closed doors that give the Democrats the advantage and cause more division in their own party and stabs the American people in the back and I refuse to give the power of my vote to any of them and the people need to vote them out especially the ones that have been exposed for who they really are we the people is who they work for when they are elected and go to Washington they are trusted with our proxy because we can’t all go to Washington to cast our vote so they are supposed to vote in line with what the voters want but when they fail to do that and vote against the will of the people we should be able to fire them we withdraw our proxy and vote them out so if you are not willing to participate in the politics of this country you should keep your mouth shut if all’s your going to do is bitch don’t we are all guilty of not participating in the voting process somewhere along the line we bought into the idea that our vote didn’t matter and things would take care of themselves that the government would protect us and we were wrong because it removed accountability from the process when we don’t hold politicians accountable they do thing’s they wouldn’t do if we were watching them and it’s easier to lie to ones self when you don’t have to be accountable to the voters because all’s the majority of the politicians care about is power and money and getting reelected and they will lie cheat and steal to get reelected that’s why we have to pay attention and when we are betrayed we have to fire them with the power of the vote we can’t sit around waiting for the next election to get rid of them if we don’t show up to vote because we end up with what we have now an administration of lawless politicians who don’t give a shit about the welfare of the American people and now we are in a fight for our lives because if they succeed we will loose our Liberty and if that happens we loose everything and we will find ourselves in a civil war because I am willing to die to keep my freedom the question is are u communist Democrats willing to die taking it from me if we reach that point it will truly be a sad day in our history but we have been here before and united we have always one because we have the secret ingredient the power of a loving God and he never loses

  15. Ukraine is a dictatorship run by a communist dictator and if I had to choose one I would choose Putin and wouldn’t have given Ukraine a damn thing especially for free we should make them pay it all back with the natural resources they have instead of giving them a blank check with no oversight or accountability must be nice I just had my water service turned off because I couldn’t pay the bill and it’s impossible for a single white man to get financial help

  16. Cheney and McConnell have lost what is important to the majority of the American people. We are tired of the corrupt politicians who are trying to destroy our country and democracy. The Rhinos and bad Democrats have got to go. We need to clean house.

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