An Army sniper told Jesse Watters this scary fact about the Trump assassination attempt

More than one month after the attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and the public barely knows any more than they did on the day of the shooting. It’s looking more and more sinister by the [...]


  1. Nothing evil surprises me about these two clowns, namely Kamala and Joe.
    They have no idea how to RUN this country but they are very good at their ability to RUIN this country. We need President Trump back in the White House.
    Joe Biden is on a beach in Delaware, where he is doing as little as possible. But then again, that was what he was doing over the last 3+years.

    • It’s clearly an inside job and the Democrats are in it up to their neck.
      The government administration is partner in this inside attempt to murder Trump.
      I see no other explanation.
      This is a dark time with administrative coertion and we need to get rid of these gangsters

      • I agree with you. I think when Biden spoke of putting a bulls eye on Trump, he meant it. Not sure he realised he said it out loud at the time to everyone. His brain is like a scrambled egg. And Harris is clearly brainless!
        I am just not sure who the puppet master is?

      • I have said the same thing. When I heard Pelosi say: WE MUST STOP HIM(TRUMP) AT ALL COSTS. IMHO that means shooting him too. She is also COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING UP PRESIDENT TRUMP ON JANUARY 6, 2021.

    • It was NOT an assassination attempt on Trump. Trump and his MAGAts staged it. There was no wound on trump, but he was willing to sacrifice others for his own narcissistic sympathy just before the RNC.

        • In case you didn’t notice, this was Biden administration’s secret service. They killed the shooter,could have wounded him but they didn’t want him talking. Trump would love to had him alive. Think about it.

      • Osterling, you are blinded by the dark power when the truth is right in front of your eyes. How could he have squirted blood on his ear and face so quickly? He credited God’s intervention that he is still alive. God has the final say when Trump’s commission is done, and no other power can change that. Lief, WAKE UP to the times your living in. Jesus is coming soon for his own and you might be left behind when judgement falls on this rebellious world. Maranatha

      • You HAVE to be kidding. President Trump did, indeed, have a wound. If he had not turned his head, he would be dead. Staged??? Idiocy.

      • You’re a moron!…and no Jews were killed in WWII right?…use your brain. If you can’t do that just keep your mouth shut and read, learn, from all sources.?

      • Are you implying that Trump had a fake blood pack in his hand and smashed it on his ear? this was too close a call for an actual staged shot. In other words, your fear of Trump is matched by the Dems.
        There was some mention that Dr. Jill was assigned a 17 protection detail that same day on the other side of Pittsburg while Trump was assigned only 12

      • Your just what the Harris party needs made up conspiracy theories. Just take your blinders off and listen to the garbage she’s pushing. Wake up not woke up.

    • My question was: Why are the demomcrats in such a hurry to assassinatr Pres. Trump? How far up the demoncrat “food chain” does this conspiracy go?

    • Ahhhh…the CACKLING HYENA still thinks America adores her…she is nothing but a slithering do nothing MORON at best.. just …no exactly like.. Biden the other blithering idiot pretending to be PRESIDENT…wake up AMERICA…these two are the very definition of corruption..TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!

    • It so ANGERS me that the Biden-Harris administration has done so many horrible things and is now lying about all their corruption and bad-mouthing Trump. It also pisses me off that the MSM is lying about the corruption by Harris in order to get votes!! Mel is correct, the demonRats have NO IDEA how to run a democratic REPUBLIC. The dems opened our border and let millions illegals in so they could give them amnesty so they can vote and make America a one party (communist) country! NEVER EVER TRUST OR VOTE FOR ANY DEMONRAT!!

  2. Harris is like a ping pong ball in a bingo hopper. One of her latest flip/flops is I will enforce the border laws when elected? If so, why didn’t she do that as Border Czar? If she wins kiss America Goodby! As a 100% disabled Vet, with 3 deployments to Vietnam as an Infantry Officer I have kept my oath to Protect the Constitution against all enemies Foreign and Domestic but can’t. All I can do now is Support President Trump Go MAGA Go!

  3. I wish I could tell how I really feel about this but the Demonrats are watching what I say. I had to take my computer to my tech to have him get them out. They even took Julie Green off.

  4. Just like the Jan. riot where Pelosi denied troops I believe the same group is trying to take out Trump just to keep him out of office. When Trump does get in office , he will pull the plug on the swamp and they will have to build more prisons for all the Dems that will end up behind bars.

  5. The powers-that-be want us all to believe this entire mess was all the doing of the Democrat/Communist Party. But this issue is just another glaring example of the complicity of the GOP in it all. WHY doesn’t Johnson want someone with actual sniper training and knowledge on the committee investigating it all?

    ANSWER THAT, GOP!! WHY??????????

  6. Democrats have been behind these type of acts for many years. Half the country is so brain dead they’ll believe anything Democrats say. This assassination attempt smells Democrat all over.trump shouldn’t let his guard down,they’re desperate.

  7. When one considers that the Secret Service move 12 agents from Trump’s Rally to Jill Biden and only left 4 with Trump’s Rally.
    What else need one say?

  8. Once again has anyone seen any evidence of the crack force people finding the bullet that grazed Trump’s ear? The only way to prove the young rooftop shooter was the one to fire it.

  9. So, just how many Republican Government Officials are now in jeopardy because of Left Wing Legislator, and Secret Service Collusion and Assassination Plotting?? That now becomes a major question in this election year.

      • first of ll we need for soro to leave our country.he has alot to do with the shooting president trump.soros isnt anamerican citizen.these demorats always plays in my 80 i always for for a president who defended the usa.the women who was in charge about protecting trump quit her job ,she should have been fired right on the spot.when i voted many yrs ago there never were a country as the usa threaten or a president.these corrupt demorats are ruing our country. this was a fix job to get rid of trump sobecause they want these corruptdemorats to run our country.people wake up vote these corrupt demorats and vote for the greatest president we had and will have again president donald j trump.these corrupt demorats only want power and soros is behind all there for president trump in 2024 so he could clean up our country.there all getting paid they wanted trump out of the pitchure so he cant run and the lying demorats make kamala win.this is a digrace in our country. lets vote these corrupt demorats pout. so we can have a great country again. people wake up and do as i for trump and jd vance.they will fix our country and get to the bottom of all this corrupt party.trump in 2024.

        • Very well said, but I believe Soros has duel citizenship, unfortunately! Whoever let him have American citizenship didn’t do their research into his background check. (Probably a demonrat)

  10. Oh, and one more question! Just exactly how deep is our Lame Duck President, and his Newly Nominated Presidential Candidate?? Think that thet had no clue??!! BULLSHIT!!!

  11. This total failure by the USSS is just a small sliver of the incompetence that is clearly running rampant within most.. if not all.. government agencies and bureaus-esp the ones tasked with oversight, ethics, legality, and constitutionality. Our current DOJ.. along with bribems staff.. is ‘part and parcel’ of this big cesspool (that washington has unashamedly now become), too… If we don’t get some independent and ‘out of the big washington loop’ investigations going real soon, nothing much is going to change (in the swamp they have all helped create).

    LGB/LGK/LGAnybody they run on their ticket

  12. BREAKING UPDATE: Someone Frequently Visited Thomas Matthew Crooks at Home and Work Before His Attempted Assassination of Trump Hunter FieldingJuly 22, 2024 newsaddicts. com/breaking-update-someone-frequently-visited-thomas-matthew-crooks-at-home-and-work-before-his-attempted-assassination-of-trump/ According to the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project: “We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates.” “To do this, we tracked devices that regularly visited both Crooks’s home and place of work and followed them,” the Oversight Project said. A regular visitor to Crooks’ home and workplace was also tracked to a building in Washington, D.C., located in Gallery Place. “This is in the same vicinity of an FBI office on June 26, 2023,” the Oversight Project claimed. Who’s device is this?

  13. If they(FBI) can tie Geo. Soros to this assinashaion attempt we aught to be able to prosecute him and put his sorry azz in jail for life!

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