An illegal scheme to influence the 2024 election just blew up in Kamala Harris’ face
Donald Trump and the Republicans need to be on red alert. The Left is planning an October surprise. And now an illegal scheme to influence the 2024 election just blew up in Kamala Harris’ face. [...]
The DemocRats figured they can do it again because they got away with it 2020. If Harris wins, it’s because of fraud. With over 20+ Million illegals in America now, DemocRats will want them to vote for them. I’d say No green card. Driver’s License with Gold Star. Only Americans vote & prove it. VP Harris is as worthless as Biden, if not worse. She is no leader at all. She backs criminal, trans, the woke, and the hell with America. Its time to get rid of every worthless DemocRat in office & MAGA, or the America vets fought for will be gone.
We must vote like our lives depend on it because in all honesty it does. Vote Red or you may wind up DEAD.
I was in this country for 14 years and I couldn’t vote, then I became a citizen, it’s sad about this country not safe? Pray it will get better? People of this country is suffering

I am so sick of name calling on both sides. Stick to the issues. Back in the 70’s I was complaining about name calling and it has only gotten worse.
It’s more than name calling when the democrats think they can break the laws of this country in the hopes that it will get them the win.
Idk bout you, but I just can’t accept the lefties winning/cheating again. I’ll die for my county before I let that devil loving evil Kreuella. We need to join together for an uprising if needed! Please help us lord!
We’ve become a lawless democracy that the Democrats complain about losing if Donald J Trump wins 2024. They are scared they will be caught again. Yes they were caught in 2020, the supreme court should have stopped it long ago.
Hillary Clinton can now get off the Russian hoax against Trump that she started now let’s see if she will start a UK hoax against Harris I doubt it cuz the Democrats have been doing crap like this for decades they just now don’t care if they get caught the Democratic party have become the party of hate violence and hypocrites oh and don’t forget corruption the Democrats need to be brought down to their knees to let them know that they will never be able to destroy America because we the American people are smarter and stronger then they will ever be because we don’t buy their lies anymore even their own supporters are starting to turn against the Democrats
As a UK observer and commentator, please accept my apologies.
I am DISGUSTED with the Labour Party’s attempt to influence another country’s elected.