Ann Coulter made a horrible confession about voting for Vivek Ramaswamy that no one saw coming

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter is known for her willingness to call it like she sees it. She will go places that no one else will.  And Ann Coulter made a horrible confession about voting for [...]


  1. I hope, hope, hope that this country comes back together…soon. We aren’t anything American, we are just Americans no matter what the country of origin. There shouldn’t be Indian-American, African-American, Irish-American. I don’t care so much about Religion though Sharia law has no place in America nor do I care about color, I care about what is going to move America back to her greatness. i DISAGREE with DEI for any reason. I respect Ann’s opinion though I do not agree with it.

  2. As a born and raised American citizen with no foreign background ancestors unless, they are French from somewhere like Canada (Canuks), my very first and lasting question is about loyalty and commitment! Should it come to pass that America end up in a conflict with let say India, which side would an India-American be loyal to?? Thie issue is being avoided, look at the Chinese agent in Ex Gov. Hochul’s office, did anyone ever question her loyalty?? Look at the multitude of hyphenated citizens in America, some loyal to America and many not loyal to America! Just who would the hyphenated American citizens (and non-citizens) be loyal to if, the U.S. got into an argument with their first hyphenated country?? To me, it is very interesting, they are always sure to put their foreign nationality first and argue for that country while they openly protest against America, apparently placing their American citizenship last! Which one is that person truly faithful and loyal to?? In a pinch, will they be faithful and loyal to their first hyphenated nation (nationality) or their second hyphenated nation?? They are apparently more dedicated to and place first, their hyphenated foreign nation! They are not proud of (if at all), their second in line hyphenated nation, America???? If a person is an African-American, is their loyalty to Africa or America, some would be America (I was in the Infantry and in the VN jungle with African-Americans but, I never heard one claim a hyphenated identity)! But what percentage of hyphenated Americans choose their first listed hyphenated nation over America?? Just where is their loyalty????

    I’ll not get into the issue of Christianity slowly declining well on its way of becoming a small, limited religion in America, a nation that used to be considered a Christian oriented and governed nation!!!!

    In Christ Jesus

  3. Vivek was my 1st choice. I will vote for Trump but he better wise up this time.

    Trump WTF was the National Security Declaration in 2017-2018 when the GOP held all 3 branches of Government that permitted you, under law, as COMMANDER IN CHIEF, to come down hard on the illegal alien invasion using US troops? Nothing!

    Rex Tillerson was right when he called you a, F#@king Moron!

    You only built 450 miles of wall on the 1,954 mile border!

    You did not deport all illegal aliens when you could have!

    You did not go after Hillary as you promised. Instead you even said, “they were good people!”

    You did not get Russia to leave Ukraine …before …the full scale invasion happened!

    You left enough of ISIS alive in Syria to justify staying for the oil. You even said on video! …Look it up!

    You did not clean up the Deep State Swamp as you promised.

    TaaRump was then …and still is …Dangerously Naive! You never understood what you could and could NOT do under the law!

    Vivek understands WTFk has to be done!

  4. The way I see it, after what happened with the voting machines in Arizona’s last election, we must get rid of ALL the machines and return to the old fashioned paper ballots and hand counting! NOW!! This should be done until illegals and zombies are purged from the polling lists of ELIGIBLE voters!! When we get a Voter Photo ID, this will go a long way to helping with this illegal voting problem.
    Until such time that this has been completed, we should have I.C.E., IN FULL UNIFORM, standing by problem polling places with a big Deportation Van parked nearby with the I.C.E. emblem boldly displayed on it! A big sign posted nearby (in different languages) citing penalties for illegal voting, plus the fact that illegal immigrants/refugees AND THEIR FAMILIES would immediately be deported when caught! Watch the illegal voters sneak off and disappear! This should deter a lot of fraudulent voting. Red Tsunami predicted for sure!! NCSWIC – Nothing!

  5. An important consideration; He is a fully integrated American citizen, born in the U.S.A. , and he is much smarter than many WASPS!

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