Bill Gates put this secret plan in motion to defeat Donald Trump

Bill Gates is one of the billionaires at the forefront of the globalist agenda. He’s among the many on the Left in panic mode over the possibility of Donald Trump defeating Kamala Harris. And Bill [...]


  1. Gates is about as evil as they come. He wants to reduce the population of the planet. First with the virus that didn’t kill enough of us. He wants to control what we eat to how we spend our money. Everything in our lives. Watch out for the next virus made from china

    • You are right with every point you made about Bill Gates but you left a few points out. He is a worthless POS, he is someone who would love to live under the dictatorship agenda the democrats are working towards because he will just stay afloat in his huge yatch out in international waters while America falls apart. Bill Gates is a pig and he is real lucky a common citizen does have in their possession a torpedo. It would be nice to hear that Gate’s yatch collided with Soro’s Yatch and both sank in deep water at sea.

      • Anything riding on “waters surface” depends upon the very fuel all of Gate’s crony’s are against…liquid gold (petroleum). There isn’t one single sea going vessel running on 1) wind or 2)solar power…period. There isn’t one single air worthy craft “taking off or landing” dependent upon 1) wind or 2) solar power. So, Bill Gate’s idea of buying-up all Small rancher’s, small Farmers, and bequeathed plats of large expanses of “idle land” is pure “Poppycock!” Totally “dumb, dumber and the third one to this troika:THE DUMBEST (BILL GATES AND ALL THE WEF “GOOFBALLS!!!) Amen. GOD IS IN CONTROL! Amen. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandmnts everywhere. GO MAGA!
        VOTE WESTERN CAPITALISM…DID YOU SEE $100 BILLION IN ARIZONA AI’S “semi-conductor mafg.???” jobs, jobs, jobs!!

  2. Yes Bill Gates who flyes around in his private plane. Bill Gates who has this very energy efficient house that has a gym bigger that is bigger than my entire house. And his dining room is 3/4 the size of my house. Yes, he is so energy efficient. But, since we are in global warming maybe he should stop with all the hot air.

  3. It must be nice to be able to donate millions of dollars to a dying cause when the rest of us are just trying to make it to the next paycheck. Bill Gates is an oblivious horse’s ass who will never be more aware than he is today. One of the many kajillonaires that I have no respect for; either in the way he made his money or the way he spends it.

    • I agree and by the way with all this money instead of destroying country that gave him opportunity to build his business and makes millions and help like North Carolina and others that paid for his products. He nows want to destroy want helped him,just like Ophry and all those others that we helped get rich.NOW LOOK AT THEM and what they are trying to DO!!!!!!!!SHAME SHAME the devil in the making…EVIL

    • Wish he’d take a space ship to Mars and get stranded. FOREVER. Very corrupt person.
      Too bad he didnt his catch Covid-19 he helped create, get a vaccine he helped design that today still causing peoples death. No
      and suffer like so many did before dying.

    • Windows SUCKS, I’ve been with MAC since 2002 I don’t have all the Virus problems that windows does, I don’t have to have Security updates every other day, I don’t have to keep buying more BS to keep my computer running like Windows does.

  4. Gates and his friends plan to depopulate the world, that’s you and me and our families not him or his family! David Rothschild, a VP of Facebook, stated in a speech in China that we need a third world war to exterminate 90% of the population!

    • We the PEOPLE need to start the De-Population program with Gates and the Rothschild’s, SOROS Family then the communist DemonRats, the Enemy within in America

  5. Gates is an evil person…he is responsible for many deaths around the world with his vaccine program. He thinks he will live for ever, I hope he is right, and it would be forever in hell.

  6. Am I not right if the non-profit pays individuals to stuff ballots in the ballot box that non-profit must be prosecuted for Voter fraud. That should have been done to non-profits given money by Zuckerberg as well as this time with Bill Gates. If it can be proven that the design to do this was both these billionaires they should be prosecuted for the same reason as should any Judge who tries to prevent a state from removing non-citizens from voter rolls for attempts to commit voter fraud. Let me know if these are prosecutable.

  7. Gates and the rest of the elites are all for abortions too, and getting involved in wars. Just think, in a few years with all the abortions going on they won’t have anyone left to draft to fight their wars. Gates is also too good fly 1st class, so he has his own jet that pollutes more than a fully loaded commercial jet does. I’m 86 years old and
    don’t need any S.O.B. like him trying to tell how I should live.

  8. Gates is worried because Trump has plans to disclose the Epstein Island visitors list. Word has it that Gates loved being there with the youth of the world.

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