Bill Maher made a prediction about Donald Trump that frightens Democrats

It says a lot about the modern Left that liberal comedian Bill Maher is now the voice of reason. But he has a lot he wants to get off his chest. And now Bill Maher [...]


    • bill maher in your dreams the laughing hyhenia kamala will be the next president? in your dreams people in our country are not stupid as you believing this laughing hyenia will be the next president,? this kamala couldnt tell you what kind of day your having. she is the most stupid candidate we had running in our country.the only way she would win is if these dam corrupt demorats cheat like last time biden is ready for a home far far away. kamala couldnt never speak with putin and chinas leaders. she is too stupid. we would have world war 3 if she becomes the next president.her brains are were the sunshines.trump will win in a landslide in 2024.people in our country are fed up with the corrutionin our country,trump in 2024.we must vote for trump? if we dont and vote for the laughing hyenia we definily will have world war 3.trump in 2024

    • bill mahrer is a babbling non funny so-called comedian who was starting to lean somewhat favorably in some circumstances toward President Trump but gets his dem controlled collar yanked back in when too complimentary!

    • He doesn’t know Jack and is so ego driven that if he believed now that TRUMP will win he would never admit it. Time for this old guy to retire because his head is getting more messed up every day

  1. Maher is about Maher. This wanna be prophet is like a broken clock: It tells he correct time twice a day. The rest of the time it is wrong, wrong, wrong.

    • you got that right about maher. why he says kama;la will win its because he hates trump?so bill maher keep your dam mouth shut. your as stupid as kamala harris.trump in 2024peopleget out and vote for trump? if you dont were not going to have a country and no more freedom thats if kamala comes in 2024? god for bid.trump in 2024

  2. So the Left’s new moniker for ‘Patriotism’ is ‘Trumpism’. All we MAGA citizens want is for our United States to be restored to the mighty nation we once were and have our freedoms as we have for decades, without being threatened. Obama’s ‘awokeism’ isn’t welcome here. They should take it to Hawaii, Africa and force it on those people.

    • Harris does not have what it takes to run the country (USA) she has no clue whatsoever that’s why she doesn’t talk now..people need to seriously WAKE UP before it’s too late!

  3. WHEN??? When will people wake up to the ongoing FACT that ELECTION FRAUD is STILL a major issue on the side of the Democrat/Communists!!??

    NOBODY has done a thing to end it!! NOBODY!!! Not the responsible government agencies, not the GOP, not Trump. NOBODY!!!

    The DemoCommies have MILLIONS of illegal votes squirreled away until needed.

    WAKE UP, AMERICA!!!! We are being taken down from the inside BY OUR OWN PEOPLE!!

  4. I’m just going to say that the way things are going if DUMRATS OR RNC TAKES OFFICE THIRE WILL BE RIOTS IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY BECAUSE NOBODY WILL ACCEPT THE VOTING FRAUD they will find!!! Have fun in 2025!!!

  5. If you truly love your country you need Trump to weed out the corrupt Democrat institution FBI, CIA, and most of all the media, The media needs to be curtailed in its lying to the public “when caught out on an out right lie heavily fine them

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