Brittany Mahomes just sent this cryptic message to Taylor Swift about Donald Trump

Brittany Mahomes made waves when she came out and endorsed Donald Trump. That immediately raised questions about her friendship with Taylor Swift. And Brittany Mahomes just sent this cryptic message to Taylor Swift about Donald [...]


  1. Good for you Brit. The Left has really hurt this country and Trump is going to help us but we have a long way to go. So many on the Left have lost their civil Minds. Saw a video of a GROWN GIRL screaming at a 2 year old at some Kamala Rally. They have lost their MINDS because the media is lying about Trump 24 / 7.

  2. Brittany and Dr. Phil YAY – now they know how much hate their own private opinions provoke. People get fired for posting their support for Donald Trump but guess what. ” Dr. Phil and Brittany don’t have to succumb to that fear. Proud neither are cowards. How many others are afraid of their basic lively hood by a personal opinion. .

  3. Brittany Mahomes is an intelligent and mature adult. Taylor Swift is a spoiled child at best. Thank you Brittany for standing up for what you believe in.

    FYI: The so-called “romance” between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce still looks like a poorly thought out and failed publicity stunt. Their interactions look fake and poorly acted.

  4. Unfortunately the Dems don’t have that kind of compassion for the other side. I have friends that are Democrat and if they are willing to have a civil conversation about the differences between the two candidates I will talk. But as soon as they resort to insults I just walk away. I have changed some minds because they listen to the media and don’t look to see what the real story or solutions are.

    • I certainly agree with all the comments made by the pro Trump supporters. It is criminal what the left wing press has fed this country. The funny thing is that most of the people on the far left make exuberant amounts of money. Cannot know what it’s like to go to the grocery store and have to pinch pennies so you can feed a family of four.Please vote for DJT as China, Iran & North Korea (BTW Camala) this is our Adversary and not South Korea and Russia are watching this race closely and in all likelihood will attack this Country due to the awful Foreign Foreign lack of Policy and Weakness this Administration has shown. The far Left should look at how many Wars did DJT get us into? ZERO.
      We need a President that is not a Politician and is a Businessman who can drain The swamp. He also needs to have the full backing of his Party. No RINOs please. Liz Chaney & McConnel get out of our way now so we can make this Country once again “Great” . BTW, It’s time to throw Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and others in jail for their corrupt behavior and lies told.

  5. I really don’t like dealing with people that are lacking in common sense and logical thought ! Dem’s lost the use of there brains when they decided that what has happened in this country in the last three and a half years was good for them and our representative republic ! You can educate ignorance but you can’t fix stupid ! I don’t care to deal with stupid people and they will never be a real friend to you in the eal sense of the meaning of friendship 1

  6. In Lib World everyone must think alike, act alike, vote alike, and conform without question to every one of their Master’s wishes.

    Like all good little Communists.

    And, YES, that is what the Democrats are imposing upon us all. If the powewrs-that-be had strongly opposed it it could never have happened. But they didn’t. So here we are. Just 3 days from seeing Election Fraud finish the job.

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