Clarence Thomas is facing a retirement decision that has all hell breaking loose

Donald Trump is now the President-elect. Trump will face major decisions about governing and how to run the government. And now Clarence Thomas is facing a retirement decision that has all hell breaking loose. Donald [...]


  1. I don’t think any of them should be forced out as by long as they are competent. It is their right to serve for their lifetime. Also, as long as they are upholding the constitution over their personal views.

    • I believe they wanted to retire but not during a dem administration. I don’t know why people would object as PRESIDENT TRUMP would be replace conservative justices with conservative justices, it’s not like he is replacing a liberal justice with a conservative one.

    • Trump/MAGA has to continue the FULL COURT CAMPAIGN PRESS because Democrats are going to and want to win the MidTerms…

  2. It is entirely up to them whether they retire or not. As long as they are still competent they are welcome to serve.

    But. They should consider it near the end of Trump’s current term to insure that the United States still has pro-America Justices in charge.

    A Liberal Supreme Court means death to the US Constitution.

  3. If these 2 Justices want to retire, fine; if not, leave them be. I believe it would be good to have Conservative Justices on The Court for years to come. This World is pushing liberalism across it, no matter the country. I believe this may help with Globalism in the long run.

  4. Yes, Please Justices retire after POTUS TRUMP is sworn into office, PLEASE do not let the BIDEN-HARRIS administration do anymore harm.

  5. These two good men and worthy Justices of the Supreme Court should be free to serve out the entirety of their respective terms as long as they are able. They should not be burdened with political concerns that continue to invade all aspects of the country’s governance.

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