Clint Eastwood’s son just revealed how his father is handling the toughest loss of his life

Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood lost the love of his life in July. Losing his long-time partner tore him to pieces.  But Clint Eastwood’s son just revealed how his father is handling the toughest loss of [...]


    • Destiny

      Destiny first chose to make you a special part of my life
      Destiny then chose to take you out of my life.
      The time destiny allowed us went so quickly.
      It wasn’t enough, there could have been more.
      Whenever I start to feel badly because destiny took you out of my life
      I will think of how sad it would have been not to have known you.
      Then I will thank destiny for making you a special part of my life.
      Giving me so many happy and precious memories
      That will be with me for as long as I live

      © Frances Ruocco

      True Love Will Never Die

      True love will never die, It lasts forever more.
      It binds our hearts together and teaches us to endure,
      It helps us deal with life’s problems in a constructive way,
      Bringing out an inner strength that gets us through each day.
      Even if there is a separation from this world to the next,
      True love will still survive, for it passes every test
      © FMR

      I am 86 and lost my husband at the age of 42, writing helped me to heal. Maybe they can do a movie about him and the love of his life. Yes, my family and I have watch all of his movie. Wonderful Actor, human being and praying for him to find comfort that they had such a great love for each other. Someday he will be with her again. Stay safe and healthy.

      • I love your poetry. You are beautiful, from a 78 year old. I can’t imagine losing my husband when I was only 42. I do believe however, the after life is real.

  1. Clint Eastwood is one of the best actors in the world. I have seen all his movies and TV roles he has stared in.

    • Clint Eastwood is my favorite actor/director of all time. His movies never fail to entertain no matter how may times I watch them. I am a Texan and the Clint Eastwood is what every Cowboy should hope to be in every movie that has ever made since SPAGHETTI WESTERNS hit the screen.

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