CNN had one solution to its falling ratings that you won’t believe
CNN and the rest of the left-wing media is in crisis mode following Donald Trump’s win. The press is hitting rock bottom. And CNN had one solution to its falling ratings that you won’t believe. [...]
Stop telling us what you want us to hear. Tell the news unfiltered and not bias! You may already be too late! So much for your political stunts!
Trump bypassed the LameStreamMisleadia so the only thing they have left is please the Democrat Communists…
CNN (Certainly Not News) might try reporting truthfully, for a change. Who knows maybe someone might believe their stories and increase their listening pool?
Time and time again The News Media is engage in promoting a dialog just for ratings. News is news, not story telling, not a entertainment show or person calling it news when they show no responsibility of their content and not posting ALL the facts. People are smart and get tired of checking for truthful and complete information. It’s as if these are government officials with-holding information because we can’t handle the truth and it’ll kill us otherwise.
gone woke go broke
El primer error de CNN y MSNBC fue darle tantos altos salarios a periodistas o comentaristas completamente politizados y seguidores de las mentiras sin hacer caso a los argumentos de los periodistas que si hacían su trabajo,tener personas como JReid despotricando todo el tiempo de los blancos y los hombres,Maddof con mentiras 🤥 sin confirmar,y un CNN fundado para ser el canal de noticias mundiales convirtiéndose en una letrina de unos comentaristas sin tener credibilidad
CNN over pays its commenters to prove CRIME PAYS !!!
Give it up. You still did not get the message. We want factual news reports we can consider and act on. Your personal bias is of no interest. Trust matters!! When what you say all turns out to be fiction, who needs you? I can make stuff up without wasting time and electricity watching your fabrications.
What cnn and cnbc need to understand and accept is that The Democratic Party is the most dangerous enemy that this country has. However, since they are not smart enough to figure that out, they need to go away and we need to figure out a way to make that happen.
Around my neck of the woods CNN stands for Communist News Network.
Enough said!
So true, just maybe they CNN will end up in the dirt pile of history
Amen to that
I started to do what the vast majority did. I checked …YES. I rethought my decision and checked no. Please consider also doing this. WHY? Because this will completely confuse CNN & MSNBC and as always …..THEY WON”T KNOW WHAT TO DO.!!!!!!!!
Crazy Nonsense Network VS Most Stupid Nitwits Broadcasting Crap
They can’t dance as the floor is crooked. The excuses they make are beyond pathetic.