CNN just caught everyone by surprise with this shocking accusation against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

The Big Tech industry is dominated by woke executives who support the Democrats’ far-Left agenda. Big Tech censorship in the 2020 election helped put Joe Biden in the White House. But CNN just caught everyone [...]


  1. FINALLY! About time he confessed. We knew this was being hidden from the public! So tired of F.B. fact checkers siding with the crookedl Democrats!!!!!

    • Only issue? They won’t be stopped. The rich get away with murder.
      Republicans play with ethics. Dems do not.
      I think its going to be civil war that ends this.
      As the Marines state. Blood makes the grass grow.

  2. They are still doing it on Facebook. Every game you play, they have the demoRats asking for money everytime there is a commercial. Also saw a post for America and they called it disgusting and can view at your own risk. It was an eagle and a American flag,what the hell! So sick of these DemoRats!

  3. Will the brainwashed democratic voters react to this? Will they finally realize the mainstream media is paid to lie? Will they continue to let their emotions overpower their intelligence? Will they continue to be blind to the carnage of an opem border, inlation, left wing ideology and a foreign policy that supports the enemy? When will this ignorance and stupidity stop?

    • Sadly, liberals don’t care that Americans were censored and damning information about Hunter Biden was withheld. They’re now mad at Zuckerberg because he spilled the beans. They were fine with the lying and censorship as long as it got them what they wanted. Remember, in their mind, “the end justifies the means”.

  4. When thinking of Zuckerberg you first have to remember that he stole the idea for Facebook from 2 seniors when he was a freshman at Harvard. Soros reportedly made his first real money as a Nazi Relief Fund after as Secretary of Take she ordered that money funneled thru the Clinton Foundation (Trust) she also ordered sent down to oversee the recovery. DeBlasio and his wif cannot account for almost $1 billion of NYC taxpayers money. Everyday there is more money (billions of California’s tax dollars) that Newsom either cannot account for or has been exposed for wasting. Newsom’s aunt Nancy Pelosi believes that insider trading should be legal for Congressmembers. These are the Democrats heros?

  5. So who ordered Zucky Boy to allow the lies about Trump and inuendos? He is one prejudice dude who abused his power. If Trump warned him off this year, I believe this little Turd is quilty of what Trump is warning him not to do!

  6. While zukerberg shoud be charged for the lies the real culprits are the government workers, and their bosses, are the really bad people in the government that pushed him to censor information.

    People in the government are supposed to uphold the constitution and the laws of the country.

    I want him to name the people that talked to him about censoring information.

  7. Maybe he should send 400 million to the Republican party and President Trump if he really feels bad about the last crooked election with ballot harvesting etc.

  8. These are my personal opinions. You look at Zuckerberg as being highly intelligent and able to ascertain and evaluate at a completely different and much more complex level than any average, or even above average individual. On top of the sensorship you add the election donation efforts into the mix, I can tell you he knew exactly and unequivocally what he was participating in and had little to no qualms about doing it.
    I can conclude this as I possess around the same IQ, 160+. He must be held fully accountable.
    Respectfully to all doubters

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