CNN warned Kamala Harris this red flag would cost her the election

Kamala Harris’ allies in the media are getting worried. The race was supposed to be in the bag by now. But CNN warned Kamala Harris this red flag would cost her the election. New CNN [...]


  1. These polls MEAN NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WHEN??? Dear God above, WHEN will people finally understand that Trump could lead in every poll and still lose by millions of votes!!??

    The Democrat/Communists STILL OWN THE VOTE through ELECTION FRAUD and the so-called “opposition” GOP has done precisely NOTHING about that!!!!

    All they have done is mutter meaningless tripe about the subject then turned and ran away from it. JUST AS THEIR DEMOCRAT PARTY BOSSES TOLD THEM TO!!!

    I will be truly surprised if Trump comes anywhere near to being elected again! The DemoCommies have ILLEGALLY and TREASONOUSLY imported millions MORE illegal aliens since that election and handed then ALL a voter ID card!!

    WAKE UP, AMERICA!!! The Communists, funded by a wanted WW2 war criminal, OWN the voting machines!!

    • I totally agree with you sir. Preach brother preach!! You have summed the situation up perfectly. The Dems cheated in the last election, and they will do it again. I personally believe that there has been foreign collusion in our elections. Our enemies certainty do not want DJT back in power. He is a leader. Kamala is a puppet. She is a Marxist/Communist, beholden to the WEF, WHO, UN, Soros and Obummer. The first sentence in the book of Marxism is to lie, cheat and steal and do any means necessary to get into power and stay there. Her lousy record in California speaks for itself. DEI admission into law school, worked her way up on her back. DEI pick for VP. We all knew that Joe was incompetent. But the mainstream media protected him, lied for him, as did Kamala and the rest of the rest of the demorats. Our basic freedoms are being chipped away and we are being censored. I am terrified.

  2. How can anyone with a proper upbringing support Donald Trump, a convicted felon on 34 counts, a man who does not respect women, and a crude person in most respects. He is unfit to lead this country as President. His instigation of Jan. 6th hostily should be enough for most people to reject him.

    • This guy here I’m not even going to say he has TDS “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (far worse) he has MDS which is “Media Derangement Syndrome” and also has TEDS “Today’s Educational Derangement Syndrome”. As hard as it is to comprehend how anyone could be this gullible this is what we’re up against! I assume through your “decent upbringing “ statement Rich you’ve concluded kamala Harris is your standard for everything that’s right today??? God help you son !!!!!! The only hope we have for this, America is to do everything in our power to help ensure that every logically thinking CITIZEN is registered and votes : TRUMP/VANCE 2024

    • Well Said, but it isn’t just trump, He sold his ass to the religious right as they try to dominate and control life for Everybody in the US. People use to have the right to worship as they personally see fit, and not be controlled by that disgusting SECT, by re-interpreting all of the laws set by our fore-Fathers

  3. At 90 years old I’m glad that my time is almost over. Why? There was a time when I had faith, hope, trust in our government representatives, the media, and our people in general. This has been completely destroyed in the past several years. BACKGROUND: After high school at 17, entered the service. After basic I was among the last to leave Korea, afterwards I completed two tours in Vietnam. All with the 1st Infantry Division. Some of us justified our actions because we felt they were justified by faith and trust. We are Americans therefor honorable. As time has gone by, I have had the time, fortitude and capability to study, investigate, asses, the function and stability of our so called representatives. I have checked the honesty and integrity of our media presentations, and specially the last four-five years. What a disgrace and rude awakening I have discovered. Due to brevity I can not go into detail of all that I have found. My heart aches for the safety, education and outcomes of the future of my children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren etc. lives. To all of you who burn our flag, destroy our cities, lack the capability to THINK, EVALUATE, EXPAND your minds, develop your sense of individualism to access what is right or wrong and act accordingly by not allowing others to dictate your actions. Above all, be constructive not destructive of what little we have left, if you do not, you also will be eventually consumed and terminated. Expand your horizons, capabilities and knowledge of everything that makes us human. Most of our media concentrate on the negative, but from personal experiance, the only thing that is important are the individuals that they are so hard attempting to destroy have the capability to accomplish the job. And question why are they trying so hard to destroy. Answer is simple: fear..Our job is to find out why.

    • Right on, Sir, and thank you for your service to our country! I, too, am glad I’m the age I am, even though I am younger than you. I am also thankful I did not have children, as I would be worried about their future as you are about your children, grandchildren, etc. I used to have faith in our leaders, but the past 16 plus years has weakened that faith greatly! I saw the movie, “Reagan” yesterday and what an outstanding movie but, more to the point, it hit home how hard he was working to keep Communism out of our country. Some of the issues he faced in his two terms are greatly similar to what we’re facing now, much enhanced by social media and slanted journalism. My friend and I looked at each other, both saying, “Sound familiar?!” I am afraid for the future of the country you and others fought to defend if Harris is elected!

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