Dan Bongino revealed what disturbed him the most about the Trump assassination attempt

An assassin nearly killed Donald Trump on July 13. Six weeks later the American people are no closer to the truth. And now Dan Bongino revealed what disturbed him the most about the Trump assassination [...]


  1. four people were shot. one fatal and two were in critical condition. It looked intentional to anyone with a brain. No one was arrested or even fired. Pelosi said they would get rid of Trump one way or another.

    • Its mind boggling how this was the first out door rally with counter snipers positioned directly at the building roof line one doesn’t swing a scoped 50 cal on target in seconds.no release pictures of body, SS cleaned up site and after pictures of roof show no blood stains on an old white porous roof. Mr Clean must really work!

    • Biggest concern is the COP who confronted armed murderer Tom Crooks and then RAN AWAY instead of pulling his gun and finishing the confrontation right then!

  2. The CIA coordinated with Johnson to assassinate John F. Kennedy and I think that that did it this time also.

    • I think your closer than most. I think the Secret Service was just as much in the know as the CIA and White House.
      But I think they will end this after the bought and paid for judge sends Trump to jail. Four walls and no eyes to see when they kill him. But I think that will cause civil war like none ever seen.
      I am old and just on Gods time. I hope people prepare for the worse. Be prepared.

  3. The head of the FBI and the Secret Service should be arrested for intent as this had to be a setup from start to finish; if not arrested, then removed from office pending what I hope but doubt will be an assassination attempt on Donald Trump with the FBI, and Secret Service involved

  4. Too late now . The American people know that anything that comes out of this administration is a lie and cover-up !!! They have everything in place for cover-up !!! They are so transparent with their atrocities and all democrats are complicit !!!

  5. There will be no in-depth, true and honest investigation until this administration is replaced by a law abiding conservative administration; Trump 2024!

  6. This is not the first Democrat SS troop assassination involvement. They intentionally were lax for the JFK assassination to get LBJ into office to increase the Vietnam war effort.

  7. Hell no they will not investigate anything. The fbi, cia, and so-called secret service have lied and covered up that whole assassination attempt. Believe me they had a meeting that night and Obama,Nancy,Kamala,and who knows who else they were mad as hell they missed. That kid was just a decoyso they made sure he was killed. They are the ones who tried to kill Trump. And you will never convince me otherwise. The Communist and Muslims are in complete control of our country now. Trump is in great danger. Obama has been calling the shots. Why do you think his Muslim Buddies are all getting rich off we the American people again.

  8. The Secret Service was complicit in the assassination attempt. F JB!

    thebeltwayreport. com/2024/07/video-former-army-sniper-blows-the-whistle-on-secret-service/?utm_source=Beltway%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=subscriber_id:93228124&utm_campaign=VIDEO:%20Former%20Army%20SNIPER%20BLOWS%20THE%20WHISTLE%20On%20Secret%20Service!

  9. Secret Service Reportedly Ignored Warning About Man With Rifle on Roof

    dailypresser. com/doug-g/report-secret-service-reportedly-ignored-warning-about-man-with-rifle-on-roof/

  10. BREAKING UPDATE: Someone Frequently Visited Thomas Matthew Crooks at Home and Work Before His Attempted Assassination of Trump
    Hunter Fielding July 22, 2024

    newsaddicts. com/breaking-update-someone-frequently-visited-thomas-matthew-crooks-at-home-and-work-before-his-attempted-assassination-of-trump/

    According to the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project: “We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates.”

    “To do this, we tracked devices that regularly visited both Crooks’s home and place of work and followed them,” the Oversight Project said.A regular visitor to Crooks’ home and workplace was also tracked to a building in Washington, D.C., located in Gallery Place.

    “This is in the same vicinity of an FBI office on June 26, 2023,” the Oversight Project claimed. Who’s device is this?

  11. New audio forensic analysis reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump campaign event

    rumble. com/v57ke59-new-audio-forensic-analysis-reveals-at-least-three-shooters-at-trump-campai.html

    …Second analysis!
    Audio analysis raises troubling questions.

    youtube. com/watch?v=TF4RFPXcTlI

    • Actually, that’s been known since about a week after it happened! Evidently, it’s JUST NOW being acknowledged as being ‘accurate’ analysis of the audio. But we could tell from his rendering of the facts, that it WAS correct and well-analyzed. Good to know!

  12. I am unable to make myself believe that this little gutter snipe of an assassin acted alone. He had to have help.

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