Democrats are fuming over the reason Jesse Watters called Tim Walz’s masculinity into question

Kamala Harris selecting Tim Walz as her running mate kicked off a debate on the concept of masculinity. Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media are pushing the narrative that Tim Walz is the standard [...]


  1. I could care less about his masculinity my problem with him is lack of honor and his love of China and their customs and beliefs. I wouldn’t want him any place in a government position. The man can’t be trusted any more than Harris. Maybe that’s why she chose him?

  2. Yup Jessie is right,,,, Walz is a full blown woke democrat controlled idiot.. He should never use a PLASTIC straw, he should use a paper straw , gently as it would collapse if a MAN or should I say a Kamala sucked on it. The green party crew of the D party should through him out for not following their rules.
    Why is it democrats are always showing up at ice cream parlors ??

  3. Watters is right. Walz shows many characteristics of a gay man particularly his lying about everything in his life. Who else but a gay put tampons in a boy’s restroom at the school

  4. Sorry, but he’s no poster boy for masculinity in any NORMAL person’s definition of the word. Maybe in the gender-confused minds of the democrats, and their utter lack of decency, he might be, but he looks like the Pillsbury doughboy and he has no honor or dignity. Part of a man’s masculinity is in his ability to take responsibility for his own actions and has no need to lie about anything he does. Walz does nothing BUT lie, bc he’s a worm who will not take responsibility. If you lie about anything you’ve done, it’s an admission of wrongdoing and Walz has been lying A LOT. Sorry, he’s no man anyone should admire, much less hold up as the epitome of manhood.

  5. I really hate wimpy men. I want a man who can protect me and Tampon Tim and Emhoff are not guys that I would have around when things go bad. I would have to defend them. Or watch them run away. They are disgusting.

  6. Just another example of how absolutely delusional DemonRats are:

    Ka mom ala – America today needs her to be our“mama figure” (Drew B) ….actually: A childless woman who went on an “abortion first” tour while campaigning for Bidumb !!!

    Tampon Tim – Today’s representative for American masculinity….actually as Minn governor passed a bill to install at tax payer’s expense Tampon dispensers in all middle school’s (BOYS) bathrooms – (What a man – developing future women’s decathlon champions I guess)

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