Democrats are scrambling after CNN caught Tim Walz lying about his drunk driving arrest

Americans are slowly learning that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is not the man he claims to be on the campaign trail. He’s already wrapped up in a stolen valor scandal over claims he made about [...]


  1. When are these idiot Democrats going to wake up. She has no agenda of her . He’ll send us right into a recession with food shortages. The only good thing she has to say is mimicked by Trump. Dump her quickly before she destroys this country which is almost there already

  2. Tampon Timmie Walz has a promoted life story of gaslight lies that have all now been proven to be lies!:
    1. Tampon says keep Govt out of people’s lives? “mind their own business”? Nope, Tampon created a Govt Snitch Line for neighbors to snitch to his Govt about neighbors!
    2. Coach Tampon? Nope, he was the Coach’s assistant, carried the water bottles
    3. Protect children? Nope, Tampon takes kids away from parents who try to prevent secret surgical mutilation of them!
    4. Tampon was “in war”? Nope, he went AWOL!
    5. Tampon retired a Command Sergeant Major? Nope, “Command” stripped from him for cowardice!
    6. Tampon’s common sense? Nope, ordered tampons into 4th grade boys’ restrooms!
    7. Tampon’s Kids Lunch Program? Turned into a GIANT EMBEZZLEMENT SCANDAL with 70 people indicted!
    8. Tampon for Law and Order? Nope, allowed BLM to burn Minnesota’s cities down! Refused help from Pres. Trump…
    9. Tampon only loves and is loyal to USA? Nope, Communist Tampon made 30+ trips to Communist China paid for by China!
    10. Tampon/wife had kids by IVF? Nope, used a different procedure!
    11. Tampon didn’t have a DUI? Wrong, state police say he blew well over the limit!
    12. and many more… (look up any you don’t believe!)
    (Feel free to repeat this list anywhere…)

    • The one thing that ALL Democrats have in common is their inability to tell the truth! As far as what I see they have been given over to a reprobate mind. “ The truth is not in them”. I John 2:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

      • Could any person in good concience around the world vote for leadership that is incapable of truth and integrity, just governance for all sections of the community (yes community one community of which they serve/ given to lead)m

        • David it’s incredibly hard to even fathom how any real Americans can continue to blindly vote for politicians that lie & fabricate their resumes. If they can lie so easily about their past, even with documentary proof why should we believe what they say or promise now just to get elected? They put a target on Trump & expected him to be murdered that day in Butler, PA. They even bet on it to make millions in the stock market but were upset when the shooter missed. They made Joe step down & crowned Kamela the next day. We thought trying to put a political opponent in prison was an act of a third World country but staging a Coup on your own parties leader is more like a Communist Country. Evil people with no morals or common sense vote on Race or Creed & not Truth & Honor. Compassion starts with the life in the Womb & it is against Humanity to unnecessarily kill a baby before it has a chance to live. Mutilating Healthy children before they mature enough to make a sensible decision is evil. Walz allows children at any age let their teachers decide to eliminate their ability to have their own children without telling their parents. Parental rights are eliminated & given to the State. That’s also Communism. I believe Tampon Tim is not only a lier, a Drunk driver, accused of Stolen Valor, a coward & possibly a Petophile. Someone needs to interview his wife & son for the real truth. Not his coverup stories.

      • So many Americans died defending our freedom! They, as I were apprehensive about being shot and killed in combat! This weasel Tim Walz grew feathers and flew the other way when his unit was slated to enter actual combat! He rode the system for 24 years, bleeding an undeserved paycheck! He cheated the state and our country! He took the same oath as we did, because of cowardice, he failed to keep that promise! He is nothing but a deceitful lying loud-mouthed punk!And Kamala should have made a better choice, Tulsi Gabbard, would have been a better choice than either candidate. She is a veteran and is honest unlike these two!

  3. TAMPON Walz is a good name for him. We can all just kiss our ass good- bye if those two idiots get into the white house. I can not see either one of them knowing how to keep us out of war war three. Our military well not have a leader with any sence on what to aloud them to do. So if that happens where screwed big time. And in other ways nither one of them knows now how to get use out of this recession. Their is just to much to list — just know that their both idiots and please don’t vote for them. I would love to have a strong leader back in office to help get our country back after the horrible Biden/Harris years . So please be with me on that and don’t vote democrat. My vote well be for Trump .

  4. Crazy Tampon Tim & Spread Eagle Harris both have real sketchy pasts the Leftist media & the Dems don’t want made public. Tim had an unusual relationship with boys and young men. He acts like Peewee Herman on speed. He’s lied his whole career & hides his Drunk Driving Arrest & lies about his cowardice in the National Guard. Stolen Valor is a serious crime. Especially when used to advance your position in life. What else has he lied about? Kamela was raised in Canada by her Grandmother a Hindu. Her father always listed himself as Caucasian. I don’t know if there’s any African blood in their lineage? She always went as an Indian American. The pictures of her father look like a light skin Indian. As a young woman in San Francisco in her 20’s 60 year old married millionaire Willie Brown took her under his arm and sheets & catapulted her career to fame & fortune without earning it. She went from hating Joe & calling him a racist at the Presidential Convention. Then backed out from lack of votes & then placed in as the VP by Obama. Sat on her hands for 3.5 years while the Invasion at the Border with millions of illegals and tons of Fentanyl. Pushed Bidenomics & Destroying our Energy Independence eliminating millions of hard working jobs & tripling costs of everything for Americans. Being on Social Security at 70 isn’t easy especially now that we only get a 1 to 3 % cola increase. Not enough to cover the increase of food, electricity, water, gas or medicine. At least when Trump was President when we retired we could afford to live comfortably. Since 2021 we’ve had to sell the family home., cash in my 401k & buy a small mfg home with less land. Our mortgage went from 2.75% to 6,75%. Living on the edge took on a new meaning. We pray for Trump every day & hold on till the end of every month to make the bills & still be able to buy food. God Bless America & Trump To MAGA!

  5. Both of these 2 idiots are just too stupid and untrustworthy to run this country. BJ belongs on the streets doing what she does best and double t belongs in a boys bathroom trying to explain to boys why he put tampons in their bathroom. Vote Trump 2024.

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