Democrats shook their heads in rage at this ugly Kamala Harris gaffe

Kamala Harris is running out of time to reverse the momentum in the 2024 Election. Now she may have sealed her doom. And Democrats shook their heads in rage at this ugly Kamala Harris gaffe. [...]


  1. I can’t even think of the words to describe how incompetent, ignorant, insensitive, unresponsive, unknowledgable and unfeeling she is. I guess those will have to do.

  2. How do you elect a person that does not have the ability to be POTUS and only questions that are prepared in advance for her???????

    • And she still has no logical answer for any of those (crucial to America) questions she’s heard over and over again. I still have faith in God and country but I’m seriously struggling about how this election could even be close- it’s mind boggling to me!!!!!!!!
      ******* TRUMP/VANCE 2024 *******

  3. She said that she was the last person in the room. Joe Biden said that she was the last person he wonted in the room.

  4. this woman must have the iq of a gnat. she cannot be allowed near the whitehouse. she is a walking disaster. send her bak to finish off california. we dont want her kind any where near the presidency. what a waste of air.

    • No, she isn’t. She is much more dangerous as HER HATRED for our country, free speech, and Constitution is brought to light when she is angry. That is when you see THE TRUE KALAMA HARRIS.

    • You are probably correct. Only thing is that Biden was incompetent in all ways for four years. This Kamala has her wits about her, but she has shown to be a failure as VP, Attorney General, and Prosecutor. Three strikes and you’re OUT!

  5. Harris is Forked tongue and would be very dangerous to our country. She wants the border to stay open and as many illegals to come in as possible. We will be taken “over” by illegal invasion if she gets in office. And that will be the end of the True American people. Are country will belong to them . Please don’t let this happen vote to save our nation save our people vote for Trump he at least loves America.

  6. I hope Joe doesn’t die before Trump gets sworn in. Even a week of this incompetent fool in office would be a disaster.

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