Don Lemon’s latest meltdown will have Trump supporters crying with laughter

Don Lemon’s media job prospects have soured. Now the disgraced CNN “personality” has resorted to trying to become a social media influencer. But Don Lemon’s latest meltdown will have Trump supporters crying with laughter. Two [...]


  1. OMG REALLY…..A MAN!!!! These questions are getting extremely dumb. Keep it up and you will continue to loose readers.

  2. Obama’s own Kenyan family says he was born in Kenya and there is sufficient evidence to say Michelle was once Michael. The net was once crawling with proof of both claims.

    Republicans seem to be too afraid to make these things an issue! Somebody might call them “racist” if they do!

    • Yeah, so afraid of being called the dreaded “rayciss” which has pretty much become a joke that you will refuse to even admit the truth to yourself, let alone tell it. That is the sorry state we find ourselves in. As stated there is plenty of proof of both claims. It’s just that people have been so thoroughly brainwashed that cognitive dissonance keeps them from seeing it.

  3. Mrs. Obama is certainly not the most feminine, delicate looking lady,
    but to call her a man is just downright stupid.

  4. I do not think she was ever a man. But even if she was who really cares it does not change the person that she is.

  5. ” It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance “. Dr Thomas Sowell. Mary and Joseph had a contract by their parents to wed and Joseph didn’t want Mary to be stoned to death. Mary and Joseph later had a few more kids, the apostle James was one of them. The only ignorant homo here is Don Sour Lemon!!!

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