Donald Trump grinned from ear to ear over this Democrat Party surrender

Donald Trump is less than two weeks away from taking office. Trump was blindsided by the rumors coming out of Washington. And Donald Trump grinned from ear to ear over this Democrat Party surrender. Donald [...]

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  1. I am behind RFK, Jr. 100%. There are far too many chemicals in our food supply and much of it is detrimental to good health.
    Several years ago, Monsanto convinced durum wheat farmers to dry off their fields before harvest using Round-Up. Despite claims to the contrary traces of glyphosate (the active ingredient in Round-Up) are in the food made from that wheat. In the first year that pasta from this Round-Up dried off wheat hit the market I ate pasta exactly 3 times. Following each of those 3 meals I spent 6 to 8 hours in excruciating pain in my lower intestines. I have not eaten a bite of pasta since 2009. Estimates say about 1% of the population is as sensitive to the poison in our food as I am. There is a whole list of ingredients in the food supply that should not be there. Removing them will decrease obesity, diabetes, heart disease and others. Research also needs to be done to stop the rise of autism. Also, the onset of puberty is happening at an earlier age with each generation. RFK, Jr intends to clean up our food supply and make certain our medicines do not do more harm than good.

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