Donald Trump just got banned from doing one very important thing

In the final three weeks of the election, Donald Trump got some bad news. It threw his life into chaos. And Donald Trump just got banned from doing one very important thing. Donald Trump banned [...]


  1. You got Emhoff & Tampons’ wife together; Tampon himself at times ex. Play hunting; Obummer; Hillary; Bill C.; Bidumb; Kacklemala; and now dr. Kill Jill – all (8) different scenarios out campaigning for Harris (All requiring Secret Service)……..No agents left I guess for a past and soon to be NEXT POTUS to be protected????????

    • Will Democrats publicly admit they can’t protect Trump from Democrat assassins?
      Trump will need to play at courses or holes with easier security.

  2. If Biden were a gentleman, he would allow Trump to play at the one hole golf course and driving range at Camp David.

    • Crooked Joe is not a gentleman. He would rather foreign government(s) take out his competition, or should I say Kamala’s competition…somebody else to do Democrats ‘dirty work’ for them. So, yeah, all the major ‘players’ are gunning for Trump, courtesy of the Democrat Party. And they will gladly supply whatever weaponization needed. Of course they will deny any involvement/knowledge of such ‘opertation’.

    • Patiot Pulse need to get there stuff together. It’s not playing ‘gold’, it is playing golf. Now all of a sudden is all I can do is reply to a comment. I can’t create one of my own. All errors like this do is make the Liberals laugh at the incompetance of this source.

  3. The big picture is not about golf. He has a few weeks left. We all know the left is going to play dirty and use any tactic to get their way. So he waits to get to play. In the end he gets what’s important. Sorry I think this is not an issue to get our panties in a wad over. We live day to day. Golf is the last thing on on minds.
    He needs to stay focus on the bigger picture.

  4. democrats lie and Americans have died, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran and russia and all the illegal criminal border insurgents.

    • A vote for KamalToe/any Democrat means YOU endorse evil Democrats beloved junkies CRIME WAVE of 75+ MURDERS DAILY, 200+ O D DEATHS DAILY, 1,000+ BEATINGS/KNIFINGS/SHOOTINGS DAILY, and TENS of MILLIONS+ OTHER DAILY CRIMES in USA !!!

  5. Due to the massive FAILURES of the United States Secret Service, I expect Donald J Trump to FIRE all the executives in the USSS and replace them with competent people in January of 2025. Sadly, it will take years to bring the USSS back into full competency as the leadership has not been hiring and training as they should for several years.

  6. This smells like more election interference to me. The left wants Trump to stay home and hide until after the vote.

  7. Wow, it’s really hard to say Trump’s playing golf at one course, and then have him actually play golf at another course.

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