Donald Trump promised to release one secret military report that will scare every American

Donald Trump promised radical transparency once he takes office as President of the United States. Joe Biden’s been covering up some terrible truths from the public. And Donald Trump promised to release one secret military [...]


  1. How did these DRONES get into America? Now most of us have heard that CHINA HAS A POLICE STATION IN NEW YORK CITY! Was this the place these drones kept at? New York police department should investigate to see if it is!

  2. Anything that has a “China” attached to what ever conspicuous activity needs to be revealed. Especially because Biden and China might have done some corrupt activity Biden allowed China to carry out in America. All the pardons that Biden had to do with China and his family should be revoked. Biden is corrupt and many illegal things were done at Biden’s allowance to China’s personal request to him. Biden needs to be investigated for crimes he allowed.

  3. The Trump team must make sure the U.S. Intelligence is not napping at any time because Communist China may stage a sneak attack on Taiwan that will embarrass America’s military readiness…Never trust communist, never…Just think about what Communist Russia did on Crimea as Obama was snoring…Same thing may happen on Taiwan while the Trump White House is pre-occupied with the mass deportation of the illegals.

  4. Didn’t china just cut the communication lines to Taiwan ? They disabled their communications before an attack

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