Donald Trump put Democrats on notice about using his assassination attempt as an excuse to push gun control

Democrats live by the motto of “never let a good crisis go to waste.” This is especially true when it comes to mass shootings or any kind of firearms-related tragedy. And Donald Trump put Democrats [...]


    • OʻI wouldn’t trust Trump with a kids water gun. He just whistling Dixie to the wind. And why should we allow a convicted criminal back in the white house, when he should be in prison instead.

      • So you Democrats want to disarm We the Law Abiding People. I URGE YOU to move to Chicago after the people have been disarmed and the police defunded like you want. Yup, you’ll be much safer there!


  1. What I saw was one high profile individual surrounded by law enforcement and they could NOT protect him. Why would any sane person put their family’s lives in the hands of people who can NOT defend them and have argued, and won, in court that they have no obligation to do so.

  2. They will NEVER get our AR’s or any other firearm… Don’t care what Mandate they secure… “come and get them”

    • A free society elects their leaders not ordains which is inherently a chained society. Kamala is ordained by dark money and our American women are sadly mislead by their insistent beliefs that their power over their bodies is being stolen. This is the only hope for Kamala to enter the White house, to double down in the only area that the SCOTUS decided on. They said “let the states decide “

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