Donald Trump was furious over this judge’s major gift to Kamala Harris

Democrats haven’t forgotten about their lawfare against Donald Trump. It could remain the key to the outcome of the campaign. And Donald Trump was furious over this judge’s major gift to Kamala Harris. Judge Juan [...]


  1. Anyone with a brain knows the dems will force this judge to put Trump behind bars to take the election. No one thinks these are honest people. When you have Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and the Biden behind the scenes…what do you expect?
    If Biden felt free enough to speak about putting a bulls eye on Trump…did he mean it?
    I think things are about to get worse. We need to be prepared for the worse. JD Vance needs to think if he can step in sooner than later.

    • This is totally election interference at its worse. The Supreme Court needs to intervene in this situation. I never thought I would ever see anything like this in my lifetime. This is the only way they can win! It has to be illegal what that are pulling.

      • I agree Joe. I’m 79 years old and voted in quite a few elections. I’ve never seen a circus of fools like what the Democrats are showing themselves to be.

    • This entire “trial” was run by a slanted judge who should have recused himself, a shameless and inept Alvin Bragg, and a brainless jury who could not tell you the two sides of a penny! A kangaroo court if I ever saw one. And this is definitely election interference.

  2. People who fabricated this case together have sent a clear threat to all citizens about Democrats so called equality. Yes, they will jail him so the nonelected can have power.

  3. What is the crime charged? Who what gives free judgement on citizen of Americans without having committing a crime? Only a third world dictatorship!

    • You are correct, Bob. And look at the full picture: A brainless jury who were sent home over the weekend (that’s a no no), a judge and his daughter who give tons of money to the Democrats (another slant), and a “prosecutor” who cannot control crime in his city (that would be Alvin Bragg). The whole “trial” was a disgrace!!

  4. I see this as a repeat of the 2020 scam that the DEMOCRATS RIGGED IN THE LAST ELECTION!! THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY ANYMORE IT IS A MOCKERY.The Democratic group of lairs and thieves are a total disgrace and a complete embarrassment to the once Great United States of America!!

  5. Face it everyone, if President Trump goes to jail, we will have to start calling each other comrade. You can kiss the USA so long, Russia or China will take over, GOD saves us all. PS I am still voting for Trump even if he is in jail!!!!

    • im with you also vote for president donald j trump. this idiot kamalais a laughing stock for our country.obama hillery opra clooneyshould stay out of our picture and stop telling us americans who to vote for.we the people in our country are true to one democry in usa. we want freedom and not these billionaire telling us who to vote for. they dont care for us working people that had and want again donald j trump god bless him and his beautiful 2024. have to put food on our tables everynight and close the boarder will all these illegals and that have killedand rapedcour women and children in our country. vote this liar laughing hyhenia out. these demorats are so corrupt wake up people as far as clooney he is even gay big front he is married to his ugly wife oprh hillery and obama should get lostwere the people that vote for our country.were the people who have to put food on the table everynight and we want drill baby drill cant afford electric cars.dont listen to these corrupt persons trying to tell us to who to vote for. were voting for a president that had closed boarders gas prices that we can afford food prices that we can affordand live the american way.we need president trump once again vote this laughing hyhenia her brain is were the sunshines vote for a great president weneed president donald j trump. in 2024

  6. Hey, the Trumpster is not going to jail, Gods got a plan and TRUMP IS PART OF IT. GOD is going to set the whole world on fire, 🔥💕 👣🐅👍🇺🇸

    • i believe the judge is the one that needs to be in prison trump does not deserve this rotten treatment that he has had to contend with they got all these sick democrats that should be in prison also

  7. It’s blindingly OBVIOUS that the Democrat Party is now the Communist Party of the USA and working OPENLY to destroy the Constitution and American freedom. OBVIOUS!!!

    But what have our SWORN defenders and the reeking yellow COWARDS in the GOP done to oppose that? NOTHING. The GOP has done MORE to further the cause of the CPUSA than stop it. Our “brave defenders” are in on it all!

    The yellow garbage GOP refuses to even call them out for who they are – COMMUNISTS.

    RIP, USA. Taken down without a shot FROM THE INSIDE just like the Russians and Chinese said we would be 70 years ago. PATHETIC!

    Sorry, Democrats, but that Free Stuff you were promised for selling out? You’ll never see it! YOU SOLD OUT FOR NOTHING.

  8. What scares the hell out of me is that the DNC; Biden, Palosi, Clinton and Obama are driving the USA right down the toilet.

    • we the people are fed up with hillery obama pelosi opra laughing hyhenia kamala and the rest of the corrupt demorats.we want our freedom a we will support president donald j trump.god bless you sir you and your familyfor putting up with the lying demorats.trump in 2024

  9. We the people are going to be the one’s who put a stop to this Communist insurrection that includes Democrats and Republicans we have had to do it before and we can’t depend on the Republicans to do what needs to be done they are led by traitors like McConnell he’s a mouse not a man he has no spine and no guts and these useless Republicans out number the good Republicans we need more like Cruz and Green look at the speaker they turned on Green when she spoke the truth about the speaker he is just like the rest controlled by the Democrats whether they are using blackmail or bribes and these Communist Democrats and Republicans are a problem the people are going to rise up and put them down like the dog’s they are

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