Donald Trump was raising hell after Senate Democrats committed this awful sabotage

Donald Trump wants to hit the ground running after he takes office.  He just got a nasty surprise he wasn’t expecting.  And Donald Trump was raising hell after Senate Democrats committed this awful sabotage.  Senate [...]


  1. Hold back their paychecks until they get their lazy , conniving asses and do the job as required , stop playing games with our security and safety at hand, we don’t have an underground bunker duly equipped, with everything necessary for them and their families to hide and be protected

  2. DemoRats don’t give 2 fks about the America that they live in !! China, Russia, N.Korea and Iran are exploiting our national security !! They apparently don’t care about theirs and their families safety for America !! Once a DemoRat until the eyes opened !! It’s all Party over Country just like A*SHOLE Joe !!!

  3. Warner needs to be removed from his position on the Senate Committee because he’s deliberately doing everything possible to prevent Gabbard from taking over the intelligence agencies to fix the problems that exist. This is not a time for them to be playing their stupid games with the threat of a nuclear war on our front doorsteps. They had four years to fix this nation and other world conflicts and failed.

  4. Warner is another piece of shit that needs to go. What a moron. This is showing the American people just how stupid and ignorant and corrupt the Democrats are.

  5. The good of America and all of her citizens is what should be at the top of everyone’s list especially members of our government. Things are too partizen when we should be united for the common good.

  6. No doubt. The first step is do away with DEI! Served 33 years in the Intel Community when people were hired for their skills, experience, in whatever field they were in. Plus background investigations were done to get a security clearance. Those being transgenders, identifying as animals, etc. would never get a security clearance!

  7. No doubt. First do away with DEI. served 33 years in the Intel Community when was hired for their skills, experience, in the field they were in. Also, background investigations were done to get a security clearance. No way would identifying as a transgender or as ab animal be given a security clearance!

  8. This country is supposed to be based upon an established system of LAW. It is NOT supposed to be based upon a system of political partiality and a twisted set of immoral beliefs.

    GET LEFT, RIGHT AND DEI OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GET THE US CONSTITUTION BACK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Seems that the democratic party is angry because the control of the cookie jar has been taken away from them. My hope is that all those who committed crimes against the people and the USA be Punish. It will be by their hand that their children will suffer.

  10. Democrats put every unqualified fools in Biden’s cabinet. Now they are acting like they care about America. A bunch of bs from the democrats. I hope President Trump puts their feet to the fire. These democrats did nothing good for America. They weaponize the justice system against any Republican who disagree with their disgusting beliefs and trying to destroy America. Just look at what they are saying afraid President of might use the justice system against us. Every single American wishes he would use the justice system against the democrats on what they did to America and the people. A bunch of Soros little brown shirts out to destroy anything good in America. Now the Americans know Joe Biden was never in charge of anything. Jill, along with Schumer and Pelosi barking out orders for the democrats to bow down and kiss their hands. Every democrat deserves to sit in jail for years without any court date. Biden will as be remembered as fool who was used to take down America. His wife will be known as a abuser of a mental ill old man for power and money.

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