Elon Musk made one promise that will make Democrats’ lives a living hell
Elon Musk emerged from the 2024 election as one of the real power players in the Republican Party. Musk’s support for Donald Trump proved critical. And Elon Musk made one promise that will make Democrats’ [...]
Elon is a great friend to The Trump family and much like President Trump.he uses his wealth for the benefit of helping people.
I’m sick and tired of the rich thinking they can run the country because of their money. Why don’t we get rid of all political parties and vote on the person as a whole and background such as schooling. Trump belongs in prison, just like any other convicted felon.
May we walk forward with eyes wide open,Isee Jesus working through people. Good people becoming great people, I give praise in His name & give thanks for His angel s .Thank You Lord for another chance for America. Amen & Amen
This is note to the actors and folks of the domain of entertainment via movies, radio, TV, etc.. If you leave this country there are groups who will assist in helping you pay the move costs. The catch is, we will not help pay to help you come back! Adios and happy landings. We won’t miss you!